5: How To Build A Couch (while your neighbor hands you stuff)

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A short drive and a long-ass hike up the stairs with the world's heaviest box, Gon and Killua were in his apartment. The box laid on the floor, untouched by either of them. Right now, they just sat on Killua's kitchen counter, chugging lukewarm bottles of water he kept stored in one of his cabinets. 

"We should get started," Gon said, hopping off the counter. His feet landed with a solid thud on the floor.

"Do we have to?" Killua groaned, leaning back onto the counter and sprawling across the cold surface. Gon turned back around to face Killua with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, we do. Don't you want somewhere to sit and possibly sleep tonight?" Gon asked, gently kicking one of Killua's feet that was hanging off the side of the counter. Killua kicked Gon back, not gentle at all, causing Gon to back away from him.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. But you're doing most of the work," Killua growled, springing up from the kitchen counter.

"Fine by me," He said, shooting Killua a grin. He had already assumed this was going to be the case. He was more than fine with helping him out. He loved being of use and helping people around him. "Scissors?" Gon asked, sticking out his hand and waiting for Killua to hand him scissors. Instead, Killua slapped his hand away, making Gon wince in pain.

"I don't even have a bed, and you think I have scissors? Move, I'll open the box," Killua said firmly, pushing Gon out of the way. He slid his nails over the tape that surrounded the box. The cardboard flaps unfurled almost immediately.

"Uh, I guess that works. Thanks," Gon mumbled, walking back over to the box. He was still genuinely confused about what just happened, but he was just going to roll with it.

They started talking out the parts and putting them in number order, as the directions commanded them. Before they went inside, Gon brought some tools over from his apartment. A screwdriver, hammer, wrench, just basic things. Now it was just a matter of following the directions and assembling. Even tool-wielding children could do this. And Gon and Killua were smarter than children. Right?

"Okay, I guess I'll just start here. When I ask you for a tool or a piece of the couch, will you hand it to me?" Gon asked, not looking up from where he studied the directions on the floor. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Killua sat next to him a few feet away.

"Sure, I think I can handle that," Killua snipped in a sarcastic tone.

"Mhm, we'll see. Can you hand me one screw and the Philips-Head?" He asked, holding out his hand. Killua, for once, did what he was asked without any snarky comments. Gon was pleasantly surprised-

"Are you sure I can trust an idiot like you with this? I don't want to sit on a lopsided couch," Killua jeered. Yep, there it was.

"I'm pretty good with a set of tools, I'll have you know," Gon replied, still gazing over the directions.

"We'll see," Killua said in the same tone Gon had used earlier. Now Gon had something to prove. He was about to build the absolute shit out of this couch.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. The only words being said were the names of items Gon needed and the muffled conversations being held by other people in the complex. Finally, Gon, who could only be still or quiet for a minimal amount of time, couldn't take it anymore.

"It's pretty loud in the complex, huh?" Gon said, practically begging to start a conversation. Killua had been staring at some desolate corner of the room and jolted upright.

"Mmm yeah, I guess," He stated, going back to looking away with a bored look on his face.

"You know, it's actually kinda a good thing the walls are so thin," Gon added, blowing air onto the dying embers that were this conversation.

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