2: How To Make "Friends"- The Gon Method (not guaranteed to work)

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Gon woke up the next morning beside an empty ice cream container and Avatar still playing on his computer. He let out a listless groan and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before sitting up. The small clock on his nightstand read 12:37 pm.

"Ugh what-" He started, mumbling quietly to himself. He didn't really remember what had happened in the last twenty four hours, nor what led him to this disheveled state. He turned to his side and held up the ice cream container, Cherry Garcia written on the side. Then he remembered. Retz broke up with him over text and he tried burying his feelings in ice cream. It worked for a little bit but of course, it all came rushing back to him, hitting him like a fucking freight train at 100 miles per hour.

His head felt foggy and it had a certain heaviness about it. His stomach was only describable as a shallow pit. His skin felt hot and uncomfortable, like he was crawling inside it. He felt the urge to get up and do everything, but he also lacked the motivation, energy, and desire to do so. He wasn't quite sure why he felt like he did, or even what he felt like, but he knew he didn't like it.

He wanted to get up and in turn, get away from whatever he was feeling. He wanted to do something to take his mind off of it, anything at all. He wouldn't call it running away from his feelings, just... distracting himself from them. That's healthier, right?

Pulling the covers off his warm body, the cold air pricked his skin and gave him chills. His feet lightly touched the floor, the tiles even colder than the air.

"Jesus it's always so cold in this stupid apartment," He mumbled to himself while walking over to his drawer set and pulling out clothes for the day. He chose a pair of light wash, baggy, denim jeans and a forest green, Nike crewneck. It wasn't his best outfit by any means but it was something at least. He slipped on some long white socks and his high-top converse, which were the same shade of green as his jacket. He had a bathroom connected to his bedroom, so he brushed his teeth and did the rest of his morning routine before walking out into the living room.

Of course, Kurapika and Leorio were there, sitting on their favorite couch and watching some horror movie Gon couldn't identify. They both turned at the sound of Gon's door opening, the squeaky hinges giving away his position. Kurapika sat up and paused the movie, turning to look at Gon with a pitiful look on his face. Gon hated it when he looked at him like that.

"Gon, how are you doing?" He asked, looking at him with his head slightly cocked and a light smile on his face. It was like he believed Gon was a fragile piece of glass, and any facial expressions or mannerisms too cut and dry would break him.

Gon shrugged and walked over to the other couch where he flopped down. "I'm okay, why?" He replied nonchalantly.

Kurapika looked up at Gon with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Wha- because Retz just broke up with you over text last night?"

Gon sucked in a breath quietly. A few seconds of awkward silence passed before Gon responded. "Oh yeah... that... well, I already said I was over it," He shrugged again, pulling out his phone and pretending to do something on it. In reality, he just stared at the unchanged lock screen of him and Retz, happily smiling like nothing was wrong.

"Maybe it just hasn't hit you yet," Kurapika offered quietly. Gon turned off his phone and shoved it back in his pocket, leaning forward. He clenched his hands in his lap and felt his fingernails making small dents in his palms. It didn't hurt, necessarily, but it was grounding.

"It doesn't need to 'hit me'. I'm fine, really. I'm already over it. It's not a big deal. Me moping would be bad. But not me, I'm good. I'm moving on," He said through a forced smile. His words came out as disconnected as his thoughts and feelings and he mentally cursed himself for sounding so unsure and dilapidated. Kurapika looked at him with his lips pursed before opening them to respond.

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