7: How To Shop for Groceries- Gon Style (a.k.a, everything goes wrong)

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Slight TW for mention of blood, a lil fight scene, and the implication of the f-slur (I don't actually write the word, I just put it in asterisks).
Shits about to go down people, and here's your popcorn- 🍿

After a ten-minute drive with Killua and Gon arguing over what music to play, they arrived at the grocery store.

"Go get the cart," Killua ordered. Gon hummed in response and went to grab the biggest grocery cart he could find. They had quite a haul to purchase after all.

He grabbed it by the handles and stood behind it, pushing off with one foot and gliding across the floor. He flew past Killua, pegging him with his award-winning smile as he did so.

Killua blew air out of his nose and shook his head, fighting the growing smile on his face. "C'mon, idiot, let's go," He said, grabbing the front of the cart and pulling it along, with Gon still hanging on the back.

Gon pulled out Killua's grocery list from his pocket and looked over the extensive checklist as Killua pulled him on the cart. "Let's start on aisle one and just make our way down the store," Gon offered. "Just pull the cart, and I'll grab things along the way."

"Yeah, fine," Killua replied, dragging the cart and Gon over to the first aisle. Gon did as he said he would, grabbing things off the shelf that Killua had written on the list and set them in the cart.

"So, last night," Killua started, earning Gon's attention and a hum in response. "Why'd you run out of my apartment like a bat out of hell?"

"Oh- that. My roommates were just worried about me because I kinda dropped off the face of the earth without telling them where I was going. And Kurapika, one of my roommates, is hella scary when he's mad, so I rushed home. Man, he chewed me out so bad..." Gon trailed off, wincing at the memory of Kurapika screaming at him for being so stupid and worrying them like an asshole. It didn't help his case that they were already at each other's throats recently.

"Damn. They seem like hardasses," Killua groaned, like he had previous experience with uptight authority figures.

Gon shook his head, even though Killua wouldn't be able to see him since he was turned around. "No, not really. They're kinda strict, yeah, but it's only because they care about me so much," He said, refuting Killua.

"So you guys are pretty close then?"

"Yeah, really close. We're practically family. We've known each other for... eight years now, I think?" Gon said, smiling to himself in remembrance. He'd met Leorio and Kurapika when he was still in middle school. They were upperclassmen at the high school nearby. For whatever reason, they all clicked. They kept in touch after Leorio went off to medical school and after Kurapika went off to law school. Now, they're back together, staying in the same apartment while Gon goes to college too.

"Wow, that's a long-ass time. I don't know how you don't get tired of each other," Killua scoffed. "Well, what are they like?"

"What's this? You're taking a genuine interest in my life and getting to know me? Where's the Killua I know and love?" Gon asked, slapping a hand over his mouth to show his shock. Killua turned around for a split second, reaching for something in the cart and throwing it at Gon.

"Nevermind, I don't care anymore," Killua snapped, turning around and continuing to pull them through the grocery store.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm only kidding," Gon said through slight laughter. "Hm, how do I describe them?" He said, trailing off in thought. How would he accurately describe two of the most important people in his life in only a few sentences?

"Well, Leorio is my first roommate. He's the oldest, he's in the last few years of his fellowship, and he's studying to be a pediatric surgeon. He's extremely kind and caring, he puts others above himself at all costs, and he's really funny without even trying. But he can be serious when it counts. Well, most times. He's just one of the best people to be around and makes me feel really... loved. That's really the only word for it," Gon said, with a soft and happy tone. He would never say this out loud but, between Kurapika and Leoiro, he and Leorio had a stronger connection. Gon always felt extremely safe and supported by him. They might not have been family, but he was the closest thing he had to a male family member. And Leorio felt the same about Gon.

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