10: How To Get The Power Back On

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That same night, a few hours had passed. Gon had since left Killua's and was sitting in his room. Normally he'd be out in the living room, tuning into whatever Kurapika and Leorio were watching. But he couldn't stand to be by Kurapika right now. And he didn't want Leorio stuck in the crossfires of their argument yet again. So he holed himself in his room, for the sake of his roommates and his sanity. Well, the safety of his sanity is in question. Especially at the moment.

Gon had his phone in front of his face, scanning the text thread that broke his heart.

We need to talk

Sure- what's up babe?
Is something wrong


What is it?

This isn't working


Us. We aren't working
We need to breakup

What why??

Please, Gon
Don't make this harder
then it needs to be

Retz what happened?

What did I do wrong??



What the hell Retz?????
Read 10:27pm

It hurt like hell, reading the lines over and over and over again. Each time stabbed him in the heart. But he did it. Not to be an acting masochist, but to try and make sense of her words. He racked his brain and his memories in a futile search of what went wrong. What he did wrong.

He just wanted to know.

He pulled up the message box. He took a few breaths, wanting them to be deep and calming but instead they were ragged and anxiety ridden. His heart was in his stomach, he could feel it's beating pulsing all throughout his body.

Retz, I know we're done-
But can we talk?

No, that's no good. She'll probably look it over once, leave me on read, and leave me none the wiser, Gon thought. He deleted the drafted message and started over.

You and I need to talk.
Why won't you tell me
what happened? Did I
do something wrong?

God that started aggressive and ended pathetic. If you're gonna text her, at least have a consistent tone, dumbass. Once again, he held down the delete button and started anew.

Hey- I've moved on but
can you at least tell
me what I did?

Yeah, because texting her out of the blue two weeks after she broke up with you screams 'I've moved on'. I can smell your bullshit for miles. Just, be honest. He shook his head and started again.

Hey so you kinda broke
my heart and made me
feel like shit and I still feel like
shit, so could you at least
give me an explanation
why I wasted two years
of my life on you just for
things to end like this??

Gon looked at the screen in awe at his word dump. Not that honest, Jesus fucking Christ. Reel it in, Freecss. Gon deleted the message and groaned, running an exasperated hand through his hair.

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