23: How To Conduct an Interrogation

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Gon jolted awake to the sound of pounding on his door- rapid, forceful, and jarring. The hammering had startled him awake, sending Gon upright in bed with gasping breaths. He looked to his door, deathly annoyed and on the verge of committing a few crimes.

"What do you want?" Gon growled in a low, groggy voice.

"Don't bite my head off just yet, loverboy," Leorio scoffed, trying to keep his laughter stifled. "Get out here and update us on your love life before we leave for work," He ordered.

"I know you did not just wake me up for that?" Gon snapped. He was usually a nice person. Usually. But when someone woke him up? All bets were off.

"You're damn right I did. Last night, you promised us the inside scoop so- up and at em' kiddo, you owe us an explanation. And don't skim out on any details!" Leorio cooed, his receding footsteps echoing throughout the apartment.

Gon looked at the clock on his bedside table. The red digital numbers depicted it was a little later than eight am, meaning he got a solid four hours of sleep. He flopped back onto his mattress, letting out a frustrated and listless groan. Leorio was right. He did promise. But it didn't mean he had to like it.

Last Night
(right after Leorio ran off to tell Kurapika what he saw)

"HE WHAT?!" Kurapika shrieked. It was the most emotion Kurapika had put into his voice in years. Gon heard two loud sets of footsteps rapidly approaching from their bedroom.

Gon knew he had one chance- a rapidly declining opening to run to his room, barricade the door, and attempt to avoid Kurapika and Leorio's incessant teasing and questioning. Kurapika and Leorio emerged from their room, running towards Gon with excited and devious expressions, questions on the tip of their tongues.

Gon booked it to his room, almost tripping on the carpet as he did so. He slammed the door behind him, pressing his back to the door in an attempt to keep his noisy roommates out. They tried to pry open the door, the handle jittering and turning wildly. Gon heard loud bangs and knocks on the door, accompanied by Kurapika and Leorio begging for entry.

"Gon, come on. Open up. We won't tease you, we promise," Kurapika vowed, attempting to open the door again.

"Speak for yourself," Leorio mumbled. Gon heard a prompt slap followed by a pained whine, probably the cause of Kurapika being fed up with his boyfriend. "C'mon, loverboy, open up and spill everything," Leorio taunted, trying to force open the door with his shoulder.

"Both of you lay off!" Gon yelled, doing his best to ward off his roommates.

"Uh-uh, not until you tell us everything," Leorio cooed, practically banging down his door. Gon didn't know how much more his door's hinges could take.

"C'mon, Gon, open the door. Talk to us," Kurapika added. "Or so help me, I will kick down your door. I don't want to, but I will," Kurapika threatened. Gon felt a slight kick at his door, followed by a more forceful one.

"No, no, no! Don't!" Gon pleaded. They all knew Kurapika definitely could and would kick Gon's door down- it was just a matter of when.

"Don't make me," Kurapika taunted in a sing-song voice.

"We can talk all about it tomorrow! I promise! But I wanna sleep now!" Gon stammered out as a half-assed excuse.

"Bullshit! How are you gonna sleep after a kiss like that?" Leorio teased. Gon could sense he was wiggling his eyebrows up and down implicatively.

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