1: How To Use Cherry Garcia Ice Cream and Avatar to Drown Out Your Emotions

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What the fuck.

What the actual fuck.

Those were the only thoughts that echoed in his head. His eyes darted across the screen, re-reading their conversation ten times over. Each time he did, more tears welled in his eyes, and his breathing became faster.

We need to talk

Sure- what's up babe?
Is something wrong


What is it?

This isn't working

What isn't?

Us. We aren't working
We need to breakup

What why??

Please, Gon
Don't make this harder
then it needs to be

Retz what happened?

What did I do wrong??



What the hell Retz?????
Read 10:27pm

His heart stopped around the twentieth time he read it. He could no longer put himself through the misery of reminding himself he just got dumped. Over text. After two years of dating.

He felt nauseous, his chest felt tight, and his stomach felt like someone had used it to show their kids how to tie their shoes. He hadn't been aware of it, but he was biting the inside of his cheek, and the skin finally broke, filling his mouth with the coppery taste of blood. Tears welled up in his eyes and blurred his vision to the point of all but blinding him. He shook his head back and forth to rid himself of the tears and the horrible feelings taking him over.

He didn't understand why. Did he do something wrong? Why was she leaving him on read? They were fine just a few days ago when they celebrated their two-year anniversary. What could have happened between then and now?

Their second anniversary had been perfect, like something out of a movie. Gon had rented out the planetarium for the evening, where they stayed up watching the stars and laughing all night. He had bought and previously set up a projector where they watched the movie they saw together on their first date, The Sun is Also a Star. He got their favorite food they had on their first date also, ramen, from this little mom and pop shop they loved. It was the ideal night. Or so he thought. He must have done something wrong- right? There was no other reasonable explanation why someone he thought loved him would leave him after two years via a pitiful text.

Gon collected himself and took a deep breath. He stood up from his bed, weak at the knees, and trudged towards the door. He took another breath, this one shallow and through his teeth, before forcing a smile on his face.

"This is fine. I'm fine. I. Am. Fine," He mumbled through his plastered on smile before reaching for the doorknob. The metal knob was cold in his clammy hands. He turned it and walked through the doorway and saw his two other roommates on the couch together.

There they were, intertwined on the couch as they always were. Leorio and Kurapika, Gon's roommates, had been dating for four years and didn't care in the slightest if they exhibited PDA around the apartment. Gon usually threw pillows or anything he could find at them when they were being too much, but tonight, he wanted to throw a bus at the sickening display of love. 

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