14: How To Swim

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Gon and Killua had spent the past five or so hours just binging horror movies and snacks. It was around nine pm, nearing ten, and the two were starting to get bored of watching old slasher flicks.

"Killua?" Gon started, looking over at Killua, who hummed in response as his gaze remained affixed to the TV. "I'm bored."

Killua rolled his eyes. "Okay, what do you want me to do about that?"

"I dunno- let's go do something. Walk around the city, or the complex, or something. I can't sit still for much longer," Gon groaned, sitting up on the couch and stretching his arms with a satisfied sigh.

"Mmm, I'm not really in the mood to be around other people- or even see them for that matter," Killua grumbled, sitting up as well and turning off the TV.

Gon stood up from the couch and brought the empty snack wrappers to the kitchen's trash can. "Oh! I actually have the perfect solution to that," Gon chimed with a smile. Killua just shot him a questionable look before letting out a deep sigh and standing from the couch.

"Okay, fine," Killua hesitantly agreed. They both slipped on their shoes and walked out the door.

"So, where are you taking me?" Killua asked as the two walked down the hall towards the stairwell.

"It's a secret," Gon quipped, winking at Killua in the process. Killua just rolled his eyes in response.

"You're not taking me to some abandoned area where you're gonna kill me, right?" Killua teased, raising a brow at Gon's suspicious behavior.

"I think all those slasher flicks are going to your head," Gon laughed, opening the stairwell door for both of them. "But no, of course not. With you gone, I'd have no one to annoy all day. And that'd be so boring," He reassured with a smirk.

Killua scoffed. "Right, because I'm just here to keep you entertained."

"Mhm, I'm glad you know your place," Gon cooed playfully. Killua shoved him in the shoulder.

"Pfft- whatever, idiot."

The two walked to the first floor and down a long corridor. It was partially unlit, and any lights that were lit were flickering immensely. A great atmosphere for two idiots who binged horror movies all day long.

Gon led them to a set of wooden double doors, a sign tacked to the front of them saying: "Area under construction. Do not enter."

"Gon, where are we?" Killua asked, a hint of uneasiness present in his voice.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Don't you trust me?" Gon redirected through a smile.

"Hardly," Killua scoffed. Gon shot him a pitiful look, complete with a pout and set of furrowed brows.

"What? Is the great and terrifying Killua is scared of getting in trouble?" Gon teased through a growing smirk.

"Please, I'm not scared of anything," Killua proclaimed, stubbornly crossing his arms.

Gon threw the sign off and forced open the doors. "Prove it," He taunted, daring Killua to follow him inside. And Killua being Killua, there's no way he'd back down.

The two walked inside. The room was incredibly dark, and Killua couldn't even see five feet in front of him. He heard water dripping all throughout the room, his uneasy feelings resurfacing.

"Gon, where are we? I can't see anything," Killua whispered. A few seconds went by without a reply from Gon. "Gon?" All of a sudden, lights shined in the room, illuminating everything.

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