Chapter 17: Envious

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"Ok, I will just ask someone to deliver your food." Then Sister Kiana Left the room too.

I saw the clothes that Sister Kiana brought in the small table besides the bed where Jin was lying down.

'Jin will feel cold even if he was covered with a blanket, how about I dress him myself.' I thought to myself.

I walked towards the bed and I took the clothes in the small table. I unfolded it and I took away the blanket that was covering Jin. I saw Jin's body; pale skin but masculine with a 6 pack abs. I looked at my own stomach where only flat stomach is shown.

I looked at Jin's well packed muscles, I felt envious of his body. Suddenly, I noticed the scales on Jin' waist, they are now well arranged and they looked shiny and glossy.

Then suddenly, I remembered what I was meant to do and started to do what I have to do and that is to dress Jin the clothes that Sister Kiana left.

After dressing Jin the clothes that Sister Kiana left, I sat down to where I was sitting before. After some time Sister Kiana came back with a food tray in her hands. "Here's your lunch Nagisaki-sama."

"Thank you Sister Kiana." I said and I took the food tray from her.

"It's nothing Nagisaki-sama. Oh, did you dress Jin up Nagisaki-sama?" She asked.

"Yes, because he might get cold." I answered.

"That's nice of you Nagisaki-sama."

"It's nothing, since he was my brother now." I said and walked towards the small table and then I started eating the food that Sister Kiana brought.

"I will not disturb you anymore Nagisaki-sama, please do call me if you have something you want." Sister Kiana said.

"Ok." I said and then she left.

I continue eating the food that Sister Kiana brought. After eating I put all of the dishes back to the food tray and walked out of the room while holding the food tray. I saw one of the servant boys and gave him the food tray, then I went back to the room.

I don't have anything to do so I looked at the window to see the sceneries outside. I saw a playground where the children are playing. I watched them to get rid of my boredom.

After some time, Anna came back to check Jin again after checking him up Anna was about to open the door when Jin woke up.

"Awake now?" I said to Jin.

Then Jin looked around and then he stopped his eyes on me. "Yes brother..." He answered.

Then he suddenly froze... "Whose voice is that?" He asked.

"Pfft- HAHAHA...It's yours silly" I laughingly said.

"M-mine?" Jin said while still shocked.

I patted Jin's head. "Yes, its yours. See your voice didn't sound like a coarse voice of a kid and you don't stutter anymore, now it sounds like a normal man's voice, but that's not the only thing that change, look at the mirror." I said and pointed at the corner of the room where the mirror stands.

He stood up from the bed, went to the human size mirror and he inspect his own body.

"Th-this is me?" Jin said while still shocked.

"Yes that's your real body." Anna said.

He turned around to see Anna standing beside the door. "Because of the injuries, being malnourished and mana depletion, your body didn't grow as a normal person would. Thanks to the spell [God's Light] your mana was now recovered same with your injuries and appetite. So eat lots of healthy foods from now on, ok?" She said and patted Jin's shoulder.

"Un, thank you doctor." Jin said to thank her.

"It's a good thing your scales are on your waist or else you will be discriminated by the people here. You know, this is a human supremacist country so be careful, don't let the other humans especially the nobles about your identity, ok?" Dr. Halsien warned.

"Yes, By the way, what happened to my clothes?" He suddenly asked.

"They were ripped after you recovered because your body suddenly grew this big." I answered.

"Ah, is that so?"

"Yep! You can even ask your doctor here." I said and then I pointed at Anna.

"HAHAHA!!! Don't worry we didn't see anything, because of the racial physics of the snake clan your d*ck will not be seen, unless you want us to see it~." She said while moving her eyebrows up and down with a teasing look.

Jin's face started to heat up because of embarrassment. "N-no way! I w-will not do that!" He said quickly.

"Pfft- HAHAHAHA!!!" Anna and I suddenly laughed.

"Why are you so flustered, HAHAHA!" I laughingly said.

"Look, look, he's all red, HAHAHAHA!!!" Anna pointed at Jin and laughed too.

Then suddenly Sister Kiana entered the room with a food tray. "Ok, ok, stop now or else he will faint because of embarrassment. Here have your lunch" She said and gave Jin the food tray.

"Thank you Sister Kiana." He said and looked at me who was still trying to not laugh with Anna.

"It's ok, now go eat. Your brother Hiro already ate so don't worry about him." Sister Kiana said.

Jin looked at Sister Kiana and thanked her. "Thank you again Sister Kiana."

Jin looked at the food on the food tray and then he started to eat.

"After eating, rest a little before you go to the «appraisal pillar» so that the food that you ate will be digested first." Anna said.

"Yes." Jin answered.

Then Anna and Sister Kiana said good bye and then they left the room.

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