Chapter 7: Memories

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3rd Person's POV

"Is everything went on plan?" Leon asked.

"Yup, mother alrready took the pill."

The crowd sighed with relief and walked back to their business.


At the palace, The king and his subordinates are on a meeting when an old man suddenly interrupted it.

"Arthur!!! I already told you to not summon the heroes! Now look! Because of the fluctuations in the space, Sloth's awakening was shortened a lot!" An old man with white robe and a long staff in hand shouted at the king.

King Arthur was shocked at the old man's voice and he said, "What! Uncle Troy, how many years will it be to complete his awakening?"

"It was shortened by 3 years you dimwit!! Now, how will you plan on fixing this?!"

"WHAT?!" All the people in the room exclaimed at the same time with disbelief.

"So there's only 3 years before he awakens."

The nobles fell on chaos. They are now scared because Sloth's awakening had shortened. They want to blame someone for shortening the awakening but they don't have the power to do it.

"Calm down everyone! Now let's prioritize the training of the heroes and power up the military." The king said and his subordinates nodded their heads.

"Minister Frion, raise the taxes for our military use. General Carion, recruit soldiers and C rank and above adventurers and make the training stricter for the soldiers. Duke Fillia, send a message to the headmaster of the Liryo Academy that we will need to prepare for the war with the demons within 2 years..."

The King gave each of his subordinates a task to prepare for the war in 2 years.

"The king has to raise the tax for our kingdom's military use, because Sloth's awakening was shortened by 3 years! If you have nothing to pay for the tax, you will have give your men to the military, they have to 20 years old and above." The Minister announced to the public.

The news of Sloth's awakening shortened by three years caused an uproar to the whole kingdom. The poor citizens didn't have a choice but to give their men to the military.

While on the palace, the heroes training became harder and stricter because of the news. They sometimes went to a nearby dungeon to train with the soldiers.

Mepa Village~

Aki was in the orphanage still sleeping, his facial expression sometimes changes into happiness, sad, fear etc...

One after another flashes of memories was being played in his dreams.

A petite young man was running in the hallways. He wore a rugged ripped clothes that only covers his lower part and his chest.

"You! Comeback here you slut!" A soldier said while trying to catch the young man with other three soldiers.

A soldier throws a sword scabbard to the young man and he was hit in the back of his knee that made him fall on the ground.

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