"Just think about it," He sighed.
"I was thinking Kacchan," You mumbled.
"Why Kacchan?" Aang asked you, and you shrugged.
"We have enough money! You need to stop this!" Katara scolded Toph.
"I'll stop when I wanna stop and not when you tell me!" And with that, she stomped away and build a rock tent to block Katara.

"Speaking of money, I'm off to spend some. See you guys later," Sokka stretched and walked off to the town. You and Aang awkwardly sat there and made eye contact.

"Sooo... wanna talk about trauma?"



"Water girl, I love you, but I don't want to get wet," You shook your head as Katara dragged you to the lake with her and Aang to train.
"You don't have to, we're heading back up anyways," Katara smiled and bended her way to you, Aang following behind.

"Heads up!" Aang smiled and picked you up by the waist, making you squeak as they both bended back up to camp. Aang sets you down, and you dramatically laid down.
"This love is fading away," You mumbled sarcastically, making them laugh and kiss your cheek.

"Sokka, tell me you didn't buy a bird," You heard Katara sigh as you three walked over to Sokka having a messenger hawk.
"Not just a bird, a messenger bird. Now we can send messages all over the world. Even to Gran Gran," Sokka smiled.
"Wow, how does it work?" Aang asked excitedly.

"Uh, I never actually thought about that. Hawky, Gran Gran, South Pole," Sokka pointed outward, and Hawky shook his head.
"I think he gets it," And with that, Momo hissed and started to chase Hawky around, while Twig and Appa lazily stared at them.

'Maybe I should tell Sokka that messenger Hawks die if they get into cold environments,'


You were laying on a rock, you absentmindedly raised rocks up and down with your hand, being bored of staying at camp since Katara didn't trust Toph with you, also because of what she found in Toph's stuff.
'Speaking of which,' You thought as you see Sokka and Toph returning with baskets full of food.

"Well. Look who decided to join us. Where have you two been? Off scamming again?" Katara placed her hands on her hips as Toph nodded.
"Yes, we were," She nodded.
"And I suppose you don't think what you're doing is dangerous at all?" Katara raised and eyebrow.

"No, I don't," She scoffed.
"Really?" Katara glared, and you worriedly looked at Aang, who gave the same expression.
"Yes, really," Toph insisted, and that made Katara pull out the wanted poster of Toph and you.

"Well then. What's this?" She demanded, which made Toph groan.
"I don't know! I mean, seriously! What is with you people? I'm blind!" She yelled.
"It's a wanted poster of you! "The Runaway and The Rulebreaker!" Is that what you're called now? Are you proud of this?" She scolded the earthbender.

"Where did you get that!?" Toph demanded.
"It doesn't matter where I got it. The fact is-" She cut Katara off.
"You went through my stuff! You had no right!" She accused.
"Your stuff was messy and I was just straightening up, and I happened to stumble across it!" Katara lied.

"That's a lie! You're lying, Katara!" Toph pointed at her.
"Fine! It's a lie! But you've been so out of control lately, I knew something was up! I knew you were hiding something and you were! And you even brought (Y/N) in it!" Katara hissed, making you cough.

You already had a scolding from Katara because of the poster, and trust me. What she did made you shiver.

"Don't you walk away from me while I'm talking to you!" She shouted at Toph who started to walk away.
"Oh really, Mom? Or what are you gonna do? Send me to my room?" She taunted the waterbender.
"I wish I could!" Katara hissed.

"Well you can't! Because you're not my mom, and you're not their mom!" Toph pointed her finger to you, Sokka, and Aang.
"I never said I was!" She huffed out.

"No, but you certainly act like it! You think it's your job to boss everyone around, but it's not! You're just a regular kid like the rest of us! So stop acting like you can tell me what to do! I can do whatever I want!" Toph told her.
"I don't act that way! Sokka, do I act motherly?" Katara turned to the boys and you.

"Hey. I'm staying out of this one," Sokka raised his hands up.
"What do you think, Aang? Do I act like a mom?" She turned to Aang, and he started to rub his eye.
"Well. I, uh-"
"Stop rubbing your eye and speak clearly when you talk!" Katara scolded, and you three stood up straight.

"Yes, ma'am," Aang mumbled.
"(Y/N)?" Katara turned to you, and you jumped, making you look away and coughed a little.
"...Would you still love me if I said yes?" You muttered.

"I can't be around you right now!" Toph groaned and turned to walk away.
"Well, I can't be around you!" Katara went the other way and you, Aang, and Sokka looked at each other.

"Soooo... what do we do now?"

Going to get tested for covid again, which me luck.

Going to get tested for covid again, which me luck

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Stay healthy and stay tune!

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