"This is a surprise, so close your eyes"

I did as she said, "I love surprises too. Did you know that?"

"No. But it suits you as much as you said my loving gifts suits me"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because of the time you surprised me at my apartment. And then at Dinah's wedding" she said, as her heels clicked across the floor, and I felt her near.

"Hold out your hands" she told me, her sexy, sultry voice turning me on.

I opened my palms, "Put this on me" she said, and I felt soft fabric fall into my hands.

When I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands, my breath caught. A silk scarf was in my pals, and she was stripping off her clothes., "Blindfold me" she said.

I flashed back to our night in Miami last month. She'd told me it was the only thing she didn't want to do. "The thought of it makes me feel a bit too vulnerable, and for a woman with trust issues, well, I'm not sure it's the best kind of kink for me"

"But you said" I begun, but my words were swallowed dry as I watched her clothes fall in a heap on the floor, and she wore only her lace panties and heels.

"I know what I said" She ran her hand down my chest, her touch sending tremors through my body, "But things changed, and I want to do this for you. This isn't the same as you helping me out of my troubles, but even so, I want to give you what you want. Let me do this for you"

I shook my head, "Don't do this to say thank you"

"I'm not doing it to say thank you" she said firmly, "I'm doing it because I want to give you everything you want"

"You don't have to" I said, my voice hoarse, as I fought back the desire burning inside of me for this.

"I would never do something with you that I felt I had to. Everything I do with you I want to. I have so much want for you I don't know what to do with it all, but to give you more of it. So sit down" she said, and began to press her hand against me. She stopped, "Wait" Her lips curved into a wicket grin, "I don't think your fantasy is me telling you to sit down. You tell me what to do"

Oh, fuck. I was done for. My body was dangerously close to overheating, and she hadn't even touched herself. But this wasn't my fantasy for nothing. I knew how I wanted her - al fresco, "I want you on my balcony"

"As you wish" she said, her eyes catching mine, a spark in them as she glanced back and headed down the steps, giving me a perfect view of her gorgeous ass as she walked. My cock twitched hard against my jeans as I pictured all the things I wanted to do to her ass. When she reached the sliding glass door and tugged it open, she cast her gaze to the outdoors, then crooked a finger, beckoning.

"On the lounge chair" I told her, and she crawled across the cushions. I kept my eyes on her the entire time, savouring every move of her body as cars and cabs raced by five flights below. If I peered over the brick railing I could watch the Los Angeles night roll along, the people walking down the cobblestone street in the City. But I wasn't looking anywhere except at her. She shifted to her back, her brown hair fanning out over a pillow, her long, luxurious body stretched across the wooden lounge chair. A warm breeze floated through the dark night, blowing wisps of hair across her cheek.

I straddled her, running the end of the silk blindfold over her belly, her breasts, then her throat, so the fabric teased her skin. Gently, I pressed the material over her yes. She lifted her head so I could tie it behind her. As I tightened the knot, she wriggled her hips against my pelvis, and I felt the heat from her against the fabric of my jeans, "You want this" I rasped out, "I can feel it. I can feel how fucking hot you are"

after this night (camren)Where stories live. Discover now