"Okay, okay. Stop it. That's annoying." I groaned softly. She looked at me for a couple of seconds, then proceeded to burst into a fit of baby laughter.

I couldn't help the smile that made it's way to my lips and the warmness I felt spread through my body.

"You find everything funny, don't you?" I sighed softly as I continued to bounce her on my hip. After a while of walking around the room with Scarlett on my hip, my back got tired, so I sat on the floor and placed the baby in between my spread legs. Her little face brighten up as she laughed in delight.

"What's so funny?" I crooned as I pushed a stranded lock away from her forehead.

Scarlett clapped her chubby hands happily as I laughed softly, carding my fingers through her chestnut coloured hair.

"You think I'm funny? I am aren't I?" I teased, to which Scarlett babbled loudly.

"I don't know what you're saying but I'm sure it's delightful." I hummed, absentmindedly poking her on the sides as she continued to babble and screech.

"Can I come in?" Someone murmured from the doorway. I looked up to see Alexandra standing there, waiting for a response quietly.

"Are you here to take her?" I asked, motioning to the small girl sitting in front of me. "Yeah, I've come to get her... Lads need you for sound check." Alexandra murmured as she walked over to me and grabbed the little girl, sitting her on her hip and kissing her nose.

"Would that be all? If so, please get out of the room. Thank you." I smiled sarcastically, getting up from the floor and sitting on the couch instead. Scarlet whimpered, reaching out for me once again, only to be neglected.

"No. Stay there." I instructed as if she were some sort of dog. The little girl was having none of it, though. And with a second failed attempt for me to take her, she whined against her mother's shoulder pitifully.

"I wanted to apologise more than anything for making you act so different. I know the last thing you wanted with me was to have a child. But unfortunately for you, things happened differently. If you ever want to talk about what made you change, I'll be here to listen. Until then, all I ask of you is to not take your anger out on my daughter because she's got no fault in what happened between you and I. If you have to yell at anyone, yell at me. Don't take it out on anyone else." She confessed, not once breaking eye contact with me.

To say I was speechless would be an understatement.

"Anyway, that's all I wanted to tell you. I'll be in the tour bus with Scarlett. I hope you have a good show." Alexandra smiled kindly, walking away with Scarlett now peacefully sleeping in her Mum's arms.

Clearly, what the fuck?



"Yeah, I think that would be the best thing to do." I chuckled into the receiving end of my mobile.

Scarlett was laying in front of me, having some tummy time whilst I spoke on the phone with Sophia.

"I should be there soon, the drive shouldn't take more than 40 minutes. Remember, do not tell Liam." Sophia assured, sounding somewhat threatening at the end.

I rolled my eyes jokingly, fully away of the fact that Sophia could not see me. "Yes Sophia darling, you've told me for the up tenth time not to say anything to Liam. If asks anything, I'll tell him I flew you my secret lover." I chuckled, causing my friend to guffaw loudly.

"Okay, sounds good. Just don't let him leave the room if not the surprise won't work." She whined softly, my eyes rolling back once again.

"He's in the living room with the lads. He thinks I'm nursing Scarlett, he won't leave without saying goodbye to her, trust me." I promised my worrying friend. After sharing our brief 'see you soon', I decided on going back into the living room with Scarlett.

"You're going to see Auntie Sophia soon, my love!" I crooned down at Scarlett who had managed to stuff her tiny left foot into her mouth.

"Should we go and see where Uncle Liam is? We need to keep him with us until Auntie Soph comes." I continued, my seven month old staring up at me curiously.

"You're probably thinking I'm crazy, and honestly, I don't blame you, sweets. Now, come on, let's go find Uncle Liam." I grinned as I got up from the bed with my baby in my arms, walking out of the hotel's bedroom.

As I walked through the hallway of my hotel room, I spotted Liam trudging into the kitchen, his mobile phone illuminating his face.

"Liam! Just the lad I wanted to see!" I grinned cheekily. Scarlett squealed when she caught sight of him as well, her chubby face breaking out into a wide, toothless grin.

"Hi there sweet pea. How's Uncle Liam's favourite baby girl?" He cooed sweetly as Scar reached out for him. Liam, more than happily, scooped her up and began to pepper her cheeks with noisy kisses.

"I saw you were heading into the kitchen; do you want me to make you anything?" I asked, smiling fondly at Scarlett when my daughter rested her left cheek on her uncle's shoulder cutely.

"Oh, you don't have to darling. I was just going to grab a glass of water." He smiled reassuringly. I was having none of it, so I simply walked into the kitchen and began to rummage through the freezer to see what I could make for him.

I pulled out two big frozen pizza boxes, deciding on making them for him and the rest of the lads in case they were hungry.

"Could you please turn the oven on so it can begin to heat up?" I requested from the brown eyed lad as I placed the two pizza boxes on the island top so they could defrost.

"Have you spoken to Sophia today?" I asked my friend subtlety, watching his facial expression out of the corner of me eye.

"I haven't been able to. She texted me earlier and told me she's been busy with uni work. I hope I can talk to her tomorrow; I've not heard from her in a while." He pouted, kissing Scarlett's forehead sweetly.

I tried my very best to bite back my smile as I heard him. It's obvious how in love Liam is with Sophia. I know how hard it was on them both when the lads had to leave for tour. I sometimes wish Sophia could be on tour as often as I am. I tour with the lads because I don't want Scarlett to not recognize her father each time he comes back from tour. It may not be working out how I planned seeing as Harry doesn't really spend much time with her unless he absolutely has to, but it's still something.

"I'm sure you'll be able to talk to her tomorrow, Li." I assured the Wolverhampton lad, breaking out of my thoughts and focusing in on Scarlett who was content with being carried by her uncle.



Hey lovelies! There you have the second chappie of the story. I hope you like it, I'm sorry it took so long to update, I've been to busy with school work.


Mistake.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora