Stuck in the same dorm 1 & 2

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Harry woke up the next morning feeling truly happy for the first time in a long time. Louis had kissed him last night and then he had told him that he still loved him too. They had just kissed until they fell asleep. Now Louis was spooning him from behind with his nose nuzzled in his neck.

When Louis started to stir Harry turned around and looked at him shyly. As soon as Louis opened his beautiful blue eyes Harry spoke up.
"Do you still love me?"

Louis looked surprised but then he smiled.

Harry showed his dimples in a happy smile and laid his head on Louis' chest. They just laid like there in silence for a moment.
"I think we need to talk about this though and what it means. Our circumstances haven't really changed. If we're gonna give this another try we would still be closeted." Louis said softly while he played with Harry's hair.

Harry pulled his head back so he could meet Louis' eyes. He looked worried.
"We're older now and I'm stronger. I don't care what people think about me like I used to. We can make it work. We have to."

"We're gonna make it work this time. I love you, baby." Louis smiled.

Harry immediately teared up.
"I missed hearing you call me that."

"Yeah? According to your songs you don't want me to." Louis winked.

"Oh." Harry giggled.

They ate breakfast in bed and finished the fic that helped them confess their feelings. They were both crying at the end.
"They got a... a lifetime." Harry sobbed.

"Beautiful." Louis said.

"Damn it! I'm a mess again. Let's get out of here." Harry replied and got out of bed.

They went on a long walk, holding hands this time, making the tattoos they made years ago line up perfectly.
"So where do we go from here?" Harry asked.

"Well, I'm thinking we could turn around when we reach that rock." Louis smirked and pointed at a stone a couple of feet away.

"Us! I'm talking about us!" Harry huffed.

"I know, love. I think we just continue like we're doing. There's no rush. Let's get it right while we're quarantined. Yeah?" Louis answered.

"Yeah." Harry smiled.

"I'm so thankful right now that you reached out, Haz. That you called me. I have wanted to call you so many times or just show up at your doorstep." Louis confessed.

"Why didn't you?" Harry asked.

"I thought you had moved on and I didn't want to stand in your way." Louis answered.

Harry stopped walking and wrapped his arms around Louis.

"I'm slowly realizing that." Louis giggled. He sounded happy.

They linked hands again and returned to the cabin. They had two days left on their mini-vacation. Harry made them a chicken salad for lunch and they ate it outside.

They decided to take a bath in the hot tub after that and made out. They spent the rest of the day talking about everything that had happened in their lives since their breakup.

When it was time for bed Louis fetched the computer.
"Stuck in the same dorm? There are two. One from my point of view and the same story from your point of view."

"Cool." Harry smiled.

They got through Harry's point of view and started on Louis' but a couple of chapters into it they were making out.
"Lou, make love to me. Please." Harry panted out.

That made Louis emotional. He never thought that he would hear Harry say that to him again. He broke free and got up and walked over to his suitcase to fetch some lube.
"You brought lube?" Harry asked and burst out laughing.

"Well...yeah. I didn't assume this would happen but I hoped that it would. I didn't have any condoms though. Is that okay? Are you...I" Louis said and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"I don't have unprotected sex." Harry said.

"Oh. Yeah, of course." Louis replied. This was awkward.

"You didn't let me finish. With anyone other than you. I'm clean, Lou. You?" Harry continued.

"Same." Louis smiled.

"Then I suggest you'll get over here and bring the lube." Harry winked.

Louis ran over to the bed and threw himself on it. He leaned down to capture Harry's lips.
"I'm a little nervous. Is that silly? It's  silly."

"I'm a little nervous too so no, it's not silly." Harry smiled fondly.

They removed their clothes and laid down again. Louis just took a minute to take in what he was seeing before he leaned down to kiss Harry again. It didn't take much to make them both worked up. Louis kissed and touched Harry's body like it was sacred and he got to hear those wonderful moans again.

He reached for the lube and coated his fingers. They looked at each other, both a little emotional. Harry spread his legs and Louis' breath got caught in his throat. They were doing this again. So many years had passed. He still remembered their last time like it was yesterday. Their goodbye sex. He shouldn't think about that now if he didn't want to bawl his eyes out.

He slowly pressed a finger inside and Harry gasped. Louis worked him open. They had once figured this out together with a lot of giggles and trying different things. He knew what he was doing now and how to make Harry fall apart. He brushed over his prostate and Harry threw his head back with a loud moan. He was so beautiful.
"Lou....please. Get inside."

He withdrew his fingers and lubed his cock and got between Harry's legs. His whole body was shaking. He pushed inside slowly and they locked eyes. Harry put a hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He knew he was ready when he squeezed his arm. Silent communication, just like before.

They both came fast and hard and their eyes teared up. They were this close again. Louis pulled out and wiped Harry's stomach before he laid down to cuddle him.
"I love you."

"I love you more."

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