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They started to tell people a couple of weeks after that. They called their families, nervous about their reactions but they were all happy for them.

After that, they made a zoom call with their old bandmates and told them as well. Niall cried.

Harry's manager Jeff took it well. Simon didn't, but they hadn't expected anything else. When they ended that call Louis decided that he would change label. Enough was enough. He had only signed with Simon as a solo artist so he wouldn't force the band back together, knowing that his former bandmates would go under. Knowing that Harry would break for real.

They continued to read all the stories on the account, crying and laughing their way through it. Trying out a few things from the Railed series.

When they had finished them all they sent a private message to the author, thanking her for helping them find their way back together. She replied and they had a little conversation about it. They could always delete their account and deny it was them.

Louis proposed later that year. They had been engaged before but this time they would go through with it. Harry said yes, of course. They just had to wait for the pandemic to be over so they could have a big wedding.

They knew that they still had to fight for their love, for their relationship. It wouldn't be easy. They had both signed contracts during their time in the band that still kept them in the closet. But one day they would be free and they could wait, because the only thing that really mattered was that they had found their way back to each other and this time they would make sure that it lasted.

Harry got the part for the movie and they flew to Los Angeles together. It soon became clear that Harry would have another stunt relationship ahead of him but they tried to tackle it maturely. Some things would always be the same and there was nothing they could do about it.

They knew they would be alright.

The End

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