Clifford-The matchmaker

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"They're so cute! Just a warning, I might steal them." Harry said while he played with the dogs, laying on the floor.

"I know where to look then." Louis smiled. He was leaning against the door frame watching Harry crawl around on the floor to play with his dogs, ignoring the stupid butterflies in his stomach.

Harry fell to his back when Clifford and Bruce decided to lick his face. He giggled and tried to push them away. Yeah, Louis had no trouble remembering why he fell in love with him once. He needed something else to think about.
"She wrote a fic where Clifford sets us up."

"Really? I guess that's next on our list then. Wanna take these cute little monsters out for a picnic?" Harry smiled and sat up.

"Absolutely." Louis immediately agreed.

They packed lunch and brought the dogs into the woods. They found a meadow and let the dogs run free while they sat down on a blanket to eat and read. It was Harry's time to read out loud.

He once thought that getting a dog was a great idea. That was before he had to chase that raggy wastrel through Hyde Park on a Sunday morning when he managed to break out of his collar like some fucking Houdini.

"Aaaaw, Clifford Houdini." Harry cooed.

They laughed as Louis ran after Clifford through the park.

His legs were about to give in but he kept going. Clifford had turned left and was out on one of the paths. A man was jogging ahead of him and Clifford started barking and jumped around the man who stopped and looked around. Louis had almost reached them when he heard the man say "sit" and to his surprise, Clifford immediately complied. Damn dog!

"Ta-da! Fiction Harry saves the day!" Harry shouted and pumped a fist in the air.

"Dork!" Louis snorted with a fond smile.

Harry put his tongue out and continued to read on Louis' phone. The fic was really cute without any major drama and they were both smiling when it ended. They headed back home to make some dinner. Harry went straight to the kitchen and started cooking. Louis fed the dogs.
"Hey, wanna share a bottle of wine?"

Harry turned around.
"Yeah, why not?"

"Red or white?" Louis asked.

"White. I'm making a shrimp dish." Harry replied and turned back to the stove.

"Okay." Louis agreed and went over to the wine rack to pick something out. He grabbed a bottle and opened a drawer to find a corkscrew. As soon as he had opened it he fetched two wine glasses. He poured the wine and gave Harry a glass and raised his for a toast.
"For rebuild friendship."

Harry took a sip of the wine and glanced at Louis over the edge of the glass. They locked eyes and there was a tension between them that Harry only could describe as sexual and that wasn't very only friendly-like of them. He turned around to stir the hot shrimp sauce.
"So what other kind of stories do we have left?" Fan fictions was a safe topic.

"Loads. There's mpreg." Louis smirked.

Harry looked totally lost.
"Male pregnancy." Louis explained.

Harry burst out laughing.
"What? So one of us is pregnant? That's so weird. How does that even work?"

"I don't know." Louis chuckled.

"Okay, I'm not ready for that yet. What else?"

Louis scrolled through his phone.
"One where we're astronauts, going to Mars?"

"Cool. Wanna read that?" Harry smiled.

"Now?" Louis questioned.

"If you want to." Harry shrugged.

Louis gave him a look, but he picked up his phone again, jumped up on a counter, and started to read. It was an enemy to lovers' fic and they both giggled at the story. The wine bottle got empty fast and Louis opened another one when they sat down to eat dinner, taking a break from the fic, talking about neutral things while they ate and finished the bottle of wine.

They sat down in the living room and finished the fic.
"How cool wouldn't it be to go to space?" Harry said after it was done.

"How cool wouldn't it be to have sex in space? Sorry, I just had to bring it up, because I mean, you're literally floating around. It has to make it really hard!" Louis said and giggled. The wine might have helped.

"I'm sure you can try it, like, pay to go on a simulating space thing and have sex there." Harry suggested in amusement.

"Oh, that's definitely going on my bucket list!" Louis grinned.

Harry cackled out loud, throwing his head back.
"Best way to spend your money."

Louis giggled and put a hand over his mouth. He was adorable. Harry had to force himself to look away. He glanced at the clock instead.
"It's time to take Cliff and Bruce on a little pee walk."

They were both a bit tipsy and giggly but they managed to take Bruce and Clifford on a walk around the neighborhood. They said good night after that and Louis headed to his room to brush his teeth. When he entered his bedroom Harry was laying on his bed.
"Mpreg. I'm curious." Harry said.

"Alright, which one of us should be pregnant?" Louis asked amused.


"You." Louis said at the same time and they both giggled.

Louis got in bed. He was a bit cold so he crawled underneath the covers.
"You're in the way." He complained and tried to pull the part of the covers Harry was sitting on.

Harry rolled his eyes and moved, getting under the covers as well.
"So, how many fics are they where either of us is pregnant?" Harry asked, sounding excited.

"A couple. Some of them are ABO stories but I don't think we're ready for that yet." Louis smirked.

"ABO?" Harry asked in confusion.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega. It's a whole alternative universe, descendent from wolves. Like, you transform into an Alpha or an Omega when you hit your teens or you stay a Beta, which is normal people. Alphas are naturally dominant, Omegas are naturally submissive. They can mate by biting each other and they can be soulmates." Louis tried to explain.

"Cool." Harry smiled.

"But there's usually a lot of sex." Louis smirked.


"Yeah, like, Omegas goes into heat and Alphas goes into rut and they're really horny." Louis said, smirk still present.

"Yeah, okay. We'll save that for later. How about this one? It's called Love? Smut friendly."

"Alright." Harry smiled.

Harry fell asleep at the end and Louis let him be.

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