Spank me

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They arrived and Louis put on a mask and walked into the reception and got the key. He had already paid for it online. They found the right one. It was just by the ocean and the view was beautiful. Louis unlocked it and they stepped inside.
"One bed?" Harry questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, I didn't even check that. I just took the one with the best view. I'm sorry. I'm sure we can get another one." Louis blushed.

"And miss out on this view? It's fine by me. You?" Harry smiled.

Bad idea. Really bad idea.

The cabinet was one big room and a bathroom. There was a pantry with a fridge and freezer and they put away their groceries. There was a small table with two chairs, a small couch, and a bed.
"No tv?" Louis questioned.

"We haven't exactly watched tv in the last couple of weeks but you brought your laptop. We can watch something on that if you really want to." Harry smiled.

They hadn't eaten any lunch so Harry started with dinner right away. The cabin had a big porch with a fireplace and a hot tub. They decided to grill some meat and Harry threw together a potato salad while Louis managed the steaks. They had opened a beer and were just relaxing. They ate out on the porch and drank a couple of more beers.
"This was a great idea." Harry said and put his hands behind his head and leaned back.

"Right?" Louis smiled and took a sip of his beer. He didn't really know what the rules were regarding vacation with your ex. Good thing they were friends now.

"How come you're still single?" Louis blurted out. Friends could ask each other that, right?

"Why do you assume that I'm single?" Harry smirked.

"I don't think a new partner would appreciate you moving in with me. I'm your ex after all." Louis chuckled.

"That's a fair point. I don't know. Haven't met anyone. Haven't had the time. Camille was just a stunt. How come you're single?" Harry retorted. He hadn't gotten over his ex, but who cared?

"I have a girlfriend. You know, Eleanor, me girlfriend?" Louis joked. He was relieved to hear that Camille was a stunt. He had been unsure. 

Harry just snorted and took a swing at his bottle.
"Haven't really felt like dating anyone is the honest truth." Louis said softly.

They locked eyes. Louis cleared his voice and looked at the hot tub instead.
"Wanna go for a swim?"

"Absolutely. Isn't that why we're here?" Harry said and got up.

They carried their dirty plates to the sink and left them there. Louis went to his suitcase and dug around for his swim trunks. Harry found his first and walked to the bathroom to change. Louis rolled his eyes. He had seen him naked a thousand times.

Harry got out of the bathroom only wearing swim trunks and Louis realized that it didn't matter that he had seen him a thousand times before. It would always take his breath away. He snatched his swim trunks from the suitcase and hurried into the bathroom to get changed.

Harry was already outside so he grabbed a towel and joined him. His eyes got stuck on his tattoos. He remembered every single one of them and why he got them, why they got them. He suddenly felt like crying. His throat closed up and he blinked rapidly.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked softly and took a step closer.

"Just a bit chilly." Louis lied. His voice sounded harsh.

He threw the towel on a chair and climbed into the hot tub. Harry joined him. The water was warm and Louis let out a content sigh.
"Yeah, this was definitely one of my brightest ideas. I have to get one of these at home."

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