Album sequels

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After waking up and spooning his ex-boyfriend in his sleep Louis avoided falling asleep next to Harry for a while.

It was getting a little silly, them living together without talking about stuff they should be talking about. But then he realized that they actually were talking about stuff they should be talking about, while reading fanfics. So he kept going and paid attention to the things Harry said.

They had become very domestic. Harry took the dogs with him on his morning run so he could sleep in. He fixed them breakfast while Harry took a shower. They ate it in bed reading fan fiction. They had read one called Larry 2020, two about competitive husbands, same fiction but from both their points of view. After that, they read one about the rainbow bears and laughed a lot, because that shit had been crazy fun.

They read one where they got caught in a Tsunami which ended in a clever way of coming out. Harry just tweeted LARRY. OUT NOW. After that they read a sweet one-shot called They made it about them coming out. That made them discuss the issue.
"I would have done it like in the Tsunami one. Simple but effective." Louis said.

"That's pretty clever but I would have wanted it to be a little more special, like in that They made it fic." Harry argued.

This was a discussion they had many times before, when they were a couple. They would lay awake at night, making up different scenarios about how they would finally come out.

They took the dogs out for long walks in the woods. It was getting easier to talk about everyday stuff. It wasn't awkward anymore. Harry cooked them amazing food and they didn't grow tired of each other.
"Lou? Thank you for letting me quarantine with you. I was really losing my mind by myself." Harry said on one of their dog walks.

"I'm glad you called. I was lonely here too, you know?" Louis smiled.

It started to rain so they hurried home. After they had changed into dry clothes and fed the dogs Louis got the computer. They crawled up on the sofa with a blanket.
"We just read the X-factor story. Are we ready for the album fics?" Louis asked.

"One Direction albums? That's interesting. Yeah!" Harry smiled.

"Okay. We have to listen to all the songs for the full experience." Louis smirked and went on Spotify and clicked on their first album.

"I hope so." Harry chuckled.

"Oh look, every chapter is a song on the album. That's perfect. Prologue first." Louis smiled.

"Boys, here are your contracts. I'm giving you a chance of a lifetime. Don't disappoint me." Simon said.

"Okay, hate it already." Harry snorted.

"Well, we did sign contracts." Louis said. They both thought of the contracts they had signed and their moods dropped.

Louis continued reading. When the first chapter started he clicked on What Makes You Beautiful on Spotify and they both smiled and sang.
"I still love this song." Harry said.

"Me too." Louis agreed. 

At the beginning of the new year, they were introduced to their new management Modest. They also had their first session in the studio. They were handed a paper with the lyrics to their first single and they all started to read through it eagerly. Harry skimmed through it first to see what he would sing. He noticed that neither Louis nor Niall would sing any solo parts and he looked up at Louis just to see his face drop when he realized the same thing.

Harry turned to the one who gave them the paper.
"I want us to divide the song fairly between all of us. Louis and Niall don't get to sing."

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