Unexpected vacation

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They were woken up by the doorbell going off. Clifford and Bruce started to bark. Harry grunted and pried one eye open. He was hungover. Louis was spooning him. He shook his arm.
"Lou, someone's at the door."

"It's El." Louis mumbled. He sat up and held his head in both hands. "Crap."

He got out of bed to open the door.
"Keep corona distance!" Harry muttered.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis said and went to let her in.

Harry sighed. He really needed to pee. He got up on shaky legs and headed to Louis' bathroom. His mouth tasted like something had crawled up and died there so he snatched Louis' toothbrush and used it after he had taken care of his needs. He looked in the cabinet to find some painkillers and was relieved to find a box. He swallowed them down and returned to the bed. His bedroom was too far away.

Louis came back after a while to find him half asleep. He went to the bathroom and came out after a while.
"My toothbrush was wet. Harold. Did you use my toothbrush?"

"Yes." Harry mumbled.

"That's kind of gross." Louis complained while he climbed into bed again.

"We shared more gross things like that in the past if you think of it." Harry muttered.

That made Louis laugh and he let out a bunch of swearing words.
"Damn it! I'm hungover."

"Me too." Harry answered.

"Sleep some more?" Louis asked and yawned.

"Yes please." Harry mumbled, already halfway there.

Louis decided to not comment on the fact that Harry was in his bed and turned his back to him and fell asleep quickly.

They woke up an hour later and Louis was once again spooning his ex. He immediately moved away and laid on his back. Harry started to stir and turned around.

"Hi." Louis replied, feeling a little shy all of a sudden.

Harry grunted and rubbed his face.
"I'm still hungover." He whined.

"Yeah, me too. I'm not moving from this bed today. Maybe for pizza." Louis said.

"Sounds like a great plan. So I fell asleep last night apparently. Did we finish the fic?" Harry asked.

"Nope, you started to snore just when fiction Louis was about to confess his feelings." Louis chuckled.

"Thank God. Fiction Louis was being a douche." Harry smirked.

"Fiction Louis was scared!" Louis huffed, sounding offended.

"Are we arguing over fiction Louis?" Harry giggled.

"Yep! I must defend fiction Louis honor and he came through in the end." Louis smirked.

"Yes, fiction Louis got his shit together." Harry grinned.

Louis' stomach made a sound.
"Where's my breakfast in bed?"

"You're getting spoiled." Harry snorted.

"I went to open the door! I've already walked across the house!" Louis pouted.

"Ugh, fine. I'll make breakfast. Find us a fic." Harry grunted and get up.

"What topic?" Louis asked and reached for the computer.
"Is there more mpreg? I enjoyed the last one." Harry said and his cheeks got a rosy touch.

"I'll look." Louis said with a soft laugh.

Harry dragged his feet to the kitchen and made some toast and tea. He brought the tray back to bed. Louis looked up from the computer.
"I found another mpreg that sounds like fun, but it's a smut warning on it."

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