Stranger on a train

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"I think we need therapy. We have spent almost three weeks reading stories about ourselves." Harry chuckled and threw the last crust of the pizza back in the box.

"It will be our secret." Louis smirked.

"Definitely. One more?" Harry smiled.

"Obsessed, I'm telling you. Alright, how about this one? Stranger on a train?" Louis suggested.

"No smut?" Harry questioned.

"No smut." Louis laughed.

"Alright." Harry put their pizza boxes on the floor and laid down, facing Louis.

Louis clicked on the fic and started reading.

He's easy to spot on the crowded platform where everyone is waiting for the 07.14 train. He's tall and gorgeous.

"Meeee! I love this already." Harry grinned.

"Full of yourself?" Louis smirked jokingly.

Harry just giggled so Louis continued to read.

Long, brown hair. Curly. Green eyes. Beautiful. Strong white teeth. Dimples. He's perfection in an imperfect world.

I have always been an observer of beautiful things. A rainbow after pouring rain, the sunset, the sound of a child laughing to mention a few. This is the first time a person makes it to my list of beautiful things that makes life worth living.

"See? I told you it was me." Harry chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. This is different. I mean, she writes differently than how she usually writes." Louis commented.

"It's beautiful." Harry said.

Louis nodded his head and continued the story.

Too many bad memories in my hometown. It haunts me. I didn't want to feel alone there, but now I am lonely here. There's a difference. At home, I had my family but felt lonely anyhow. Here I am actually lonely. No one misses me here. No one is happy to see me. I messed up. Loneliness is my companion. One I never asked for. One I never wanted. One I don't seem to be able to get away from.

Louis could feel himself tear up. He glanced at Harry who looked emotional too. They didn't speak so Louis just continued reading the fic.

How did it come to this? I used to be loud and outgoing. Flamboyant. They took that away from me. Reminded me daily how worthless I am. Ugly. Stupid. Gay. Until I was just a shadow. Like now. I lost my voice. My identity. My happiness.

Harry let out a deep sob and Louis looked at him.
"Sorry, it just makes me sad." Harry said, looking a little embarrassed.

"If you cry I'm gonna cry. Come here." Louis replied and raised his arm so Harry could lay on his chest.

Harry came closer and laid his head on his chest. The feeling was so familiar. They had done this a thousand times before. Louis wrapped his arm around him loosely and continued to read.

He ruffles his hair, fixing his fringe. It's a thing he does. Often. A habit he's unaware of. It's cute. Comforting. I'm such a creep. I don't mean to be. In another lifetime I would have talked to him. Flirt a little maybe. Now I can't find the words or the courage either for that matter. Instead, I just observe beauty at its finest. Like rainbows or a really old tree, reaching its branches to the sky. The stars are beautiful too. Some are dead like me. On the outside.

Harry was still crying. Louis caressed his arm to comfort him.
"We don't have to read this."

"We can't stop now! I want fiction Lou to be happy. Go on." Harry sniffled.

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