Kidnapping One Direction

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Talking to his mum only made him confused. He and Louis were friends. It wasn't like they had jumped into bed at first sight. They kept their distance. He went for a run to clear his mind. That didn't help so after showering he busted Louis' door open, offering him breakfast, and asked if they could read another fanfic. They were a great escape from reality. Louis sat up and yawned.
"How about one where we get kidnapped?"

"Sure." Harry chuckled and took a seat.

Louis opened the computer and clicked on the fic.
"Look, the prologue is written like an incident report. Cool."

They laughed at the description of the kidnappings and Louis kept reading. There was a teenage girl who witnessed Zayn's kidnapping.

"Oh my God, Oh my God. Where's Zaynie? Did they do something to him? I'll kill them!" Bianca screeches and her father looks nervous.
"She didn't mean that literally."

"She did!" They said simultaneously and burst out laughing.

"Our fans would find us in like five minutes if we got kidnapped." Louis said.

"Probably." Harry grinned.

The story continued.

All of a sudden one of the doors opens and he acts in an instant and jumps the person that comes out of the room. They fall to the floor and start to wrestle. It's a small man and there's something really familiar about him.

"Small man? Whatever!" Louis huffed. Harry patted his shoulder and Louis continued reading.

When the man lets out a bunch of swearing words Harry immediately knows who it is.
"Louis? Stop! It's me!"

"Accurate." Harry smirked and Louis chuckled before he continued.

"Harry?" Louis says and stares at him in surprise.

Harry looks down at him and immediately tries to roll off. Laying on top of your ex-husband is never a good idea.

"Ex-husband? The plot thickens." Louis smirked.

They continued the story, enjoying the plot.

All of a sudden a voice is heard.
"Welcome One Direction to my humble abode."

"That's creepy. I thought it would be Niall." Harry giggled.

Louis shook his head in amusement. The creepy kidnapper had two goals. Putting the band back together and making sure they got back together as a couple.

"Man, we're getting old! I can't believe that Zayn and Liam have children." Niall chuckles. 

"Wait a minute! Is this author a babygater? I don't like this." Harry said, looking sad.

"According to her profile she's not. It just fits the story I guess." Louis shrugged.

"Doesn't that bother you?" Harry asked and looked at him in concern.

"You know how it is Haz, and honestly, I understand why they would think so." Louis answered.

"Don't you want to tell the truth?" Harry asked.

"The truth is complicated Harry, you know that. Anyhow, I don't think our old label and manager would ever want to come clean. It is what it is." Louis sighed.

"It's fucked up." Harry muttered.

"It is! Let's just read the rest of it."

The next time they reacted it was Louis who almost shouted after reading that Zayn tried to kiss Harry once.
"Woah! Again? We just read a story where you dated."

"Tried to, Louis. I didn't kiss him back." Harry smirked.


"You have to stop using that word, Lou. It only sounds ironic." Harry giggled.

"What? Why?" Louis questioned.

"Since that whole conspiracies on I-phone interview." Harry replied, sounding amused.

"Oh! You watched that?" Louis snorted.

"Of course. Keep reading." Harry smiled.

They laughed their way through a lie detector test and then they were gonna write songs.
"So what song do you think it will be? Happily? Home?" Louis suggested.

"Maybe one from our solo albums?" Harry said.

They continued to read.
"Oooh, she wrote an original? Cool!" Harry said.

"A bit corny but I'll take it. It fits the story." Louis smiled.

"And we got together again. It worked." Harry grinned.

They locked eyes for a moment before Louis turned back to the fic.
"Oh-oh, it's getting steamy. I think we're about to get naked."

"Not! I'm not ready for smut!" Harry whined and covered his eyes like that would help.

Louis read beforehand and giggled.
"Relax, Haz."

All of a sudden the screen goes black, just as they take each other's shirts off. A text appears.
This is private. 

"Thank God." Harry smiled.

"It's not that bad. Okay, some of it can be pretty weird, but this account writes sweet smut." Louis said.

"Oh, yes. Let me recall. Yes, whore. Destroy me, daddy!" Harry fake moaned, remembering the first fic he stumbled on. The one who started this whole fic reading marathon.

Louis' cheeks turned pink and he twisted uncomfortably. He didn't have to hear Harry moan that even if he faked it.
"Yeah, we're not reading that one. Let's continue shall we?" He laughed nervously.

Harry glanced at him. He shouldn't have done that. Not when he once used to have sex with the person sitting next to him.

They resume reading. Soon the agent signed to their case figured something out.

Niall is the one behind this. He has the emotional connection to the boys and the money to make it happen. He's really subtle about it though. Chris can't prove anything unless Niall messes up. Now he at least knows that the boys are in no danger. 

"I told you it would be Niall! Hilarious." Harry cackled.

"Priceless! But he can't be doing it alone. Who's the creepy voice?" Louis laughed.

They found out the answer soon enough.

Three months earlier, 22.37, Lewis Capaldi's mum's basement.

"Of course! Makes total sense. Brilliant twist." Harry laughed.

They read the end and Niall and Lewis got away.
"That was a great one. Now we need to get out of here. Let's fix your garden." Harry said.

"Fix my garden? Okay, you're officially insane." Louis snorted.

"Oh, come on. You don't have a gardner anymore due to Corona. Weed is taking over your backyard. You do know how to work a lawnmower right, or are you too famous for that?" Harry teased.

"Oh, sod off. I'll fix the lawn. Come on." Louis huffed and got up.

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