•Chapter Fifthteen•

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•Sonic's POV:•
As we all travel the ocean, the silence on the boat was so loud that it could even make you deaf. I sighed and took out Shadows so called soul.
"So... is this really Shadows heart?" I asked showing Amy. She nodded.
"How did you two get stranded?" I asked.

"Great another backstory." Knuckles rolled his eyes as he put his hand in the water. I rolled my eyes.
"Well-" Amy started off glaring at Knuckles,
"Once we made our way to the basement where we saw our enemies grab Shadows stone body, me and Knuckles attacked, we were able to take Shadows body and travel his castle in top secret. Thankfully not getting caught by anyone. Even the lazy guards. We took him somewhere no one knew about, only me, Knuckles and shadow, he had a secret room for all of his friends. But the one he shows us was top secret. So we put him there and no one has found him since. So went went back to battle, we ran across the cloud village that the cloud kingdom possessed, taking out our weapons to protect ourselves and our people but was unfortunately shot down in a net and we fell off die kransstruktuur van die aarde, to where we landed on the island, our weapons dropped from our hands mid fall and we haven't seen them since." Amy explained as I nodded, looking at them both with pity. "Since we never had much experience with water since we live on the clouds and not earth, we never learned how to make a boat, but I doubt we had the materials to make one on that island in the first place." Amy sighed.
"I apologise for what happened." I said. Amy shook her head, "it's anything but your fault, to be quite fair we're not even sure if the war is still going out or not." Amy looked at the clouds. Knuckles looked at me, "what year is it?" Knuckles asked "900AD, 25th February. Why?" I asked. Knuckles and Amy began to do maths in their head.
Amy looked at Sonic shocked, "your a year younger than Sonic." She smiled.
"How could you possibly find that out?" I asked. Knuckles shrugged, "Demi-Gods power of math I suppose." He shrugged as shoulder and began to pick at his ears. Until we heard a loud horn...

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