•Chapter Three•

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•Sonic's POV:•
I sighed as I watched the Chief's Son walk across with his 'crown' on. I crossed my arms and turned around, I looked through the trees to see grandmother. My eyes widened. I tapped my mother on her leg since that was the highest I could reach. I was still small.

She looked down as I pointed at grandmother. She turned around and saw her. She smiled and nodded. I giggled and ran towards her. She was dancing to the sea. I stood next to her and tried to follow her actions. Believe it or not it was surprisingly calm-full.

•7 Years Later•

•Sonic's POV:•
I dancing in ruthenium with my grandmother. She had slouched over more and shrunk a bit. And slower in her walking. But I didn't mind.

She even had a walking stick now.

I was now 16 and I had grown to connect with the sea. The blue waves. The current. I even knew how to control a boat. I'm more experienced with a canoes since I use them to catch fish.

I closed my eyes for a split second and I could felt my cloth around my waist get soaked in sea water. My face and chest also wet. I opened my eyes to see my grandmother had splashed me with the sea water as she danced.

I smirked and moved my arms in a snake-ish movement and splashed her with my feet as we both laughed.

Life really was a joy...

Clouds [God Shadow x Peasant Sonic]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora