•Chapter one•

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•Sonic's POV:•
My grandmother walked across the porch of the sun house, all my friends and my dads friends kids next to me, listening to her story.

"Legend has it, that 5 years ago, a young king, called Shadow had lost an extremely important pendant. That had once belonged to his mother." My grandmother walked left and right, mind and the rest of the kids heads following her every movement.

"The pendant had behold a heart, which held King Shadow's soul. And when he had lost, the pendant made its way down to earths nature, and fell into the great ocean of Adean." My grandmother said in a creepy voice, bringing us in to the story as we imagined it in our heads.

"And since King Shadow's heart had separated so far from him, King Shadow had turned into stone. Although, no one knew where King Shadow's body was, he was no where to be seen ." My grandmother shook her head.

Until the chief of my island came in. "Grandmama, don't tell the children lies. It'll ruin the future orders." The chief said.

If your confused, my Grandmother is the oldest  person on this island, so everyone takes her as, Grandmama, even Chief. But she is my biological grandmother.

"Oh don't be Silly Quilliam, we need a saviour before we all drown by the uncontrollable rain and sun. We could have a drought and die of the sun, or die of the flooding to never be seen again!" My grandmother said. I got up and hugged her legs. She looked down and smiled. Patting my 9 year old head full of quills.

"You will make them believe in stuff that isn't real grandmama. They can ruin the future or get themselves killed." Chief said. I sighed and walked out.

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