•Chapter Four•

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Sonic's POV:•
I was above the water on a small canoe, trying to catch some fish.

I looked forward, there was a certain part of the ocean we were not aloud to cross. It was the reef, we were not aloud to cross it, our chief forbids it. He says it's too dangerous.

But I don't believe in that. I got the canoe back to shore once I had enough fish. It was currently dusk. And everyone had went to have their dinner with the fish we've caught.

Everyone had left, I was standing still watching the sun go down.

I was about to walk away until I felt something touch my feet. I looked down and noticed it was the water. 'It's rising?!' I thought in shock.

I looked back at the water. My eyes calmed down a bit as I walked in the sea. I held my breath and swam.

I opened my eyes, and there, there was small fishes swimming around me.
I swirled around, trying my best to not get water up my nose. I lifted my body up to the surface now and then for air.

Until I heard my name. I turned towards my home island, and saw my grandmother calling my name. I smiled and quickly swam to her.

"Grandmother!" I smiled running towards her. I didn't hug her since I didn't want her to get wet.

"You are quite the fast swimming Sonic." My grandmother said, I laughed.

"Well dry up. Because after dinner, I have something to tell you." My grandmother said turning around. And walked into the trees. I stood there wondering what she could possibly tell me.

I shook my head playfully and ran home quickly. Got a dry cloth to wrap around my waist and ran towards the fire where my family and other family's surrounded with either the same or different fires of their own. I obviously sat with the one with my family. And ate.

Clouds [God Shadow x Peasant Sonic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang