•Chapter Nine•

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•Sonic's POV:•
I sighed when I sat on the wood, watching waves flow past me, so far the waves were soft so no need to do much to control the boat, I put my hand in the water and felt the current in different directions. I grabbed the boat reader to turn the boat a little bit until I heard a soft bang. I stayed silent and very.. very still.


'What on Earth' I thought as I looked towards the little cubby hole where my food laid. I took off the lid and saw a little fox come out. I put the lid over the cub hole again.

"Tails?!" I said shocked. I pulled the lid open again and put it on the side as a little fox head popped out.
I took him out as he looked around. Only seeing the sea. He's been around the sea before but obviously the island was near by , but since we are miles away from the island, he screamed.
"Tails shhh!" I put a finger over my lips as he shit his loud gob.
I sighed, "how did you even get in here?" I questioned him, it was obvious he couldn't answer so I sighed. "At least I'm not lonely." I said softly as he sniffed the food. I grabbed a bit of my apple and picked off some small pieces and threw them in the cub hole, he landed in the basket and continued to eat.

I stood up, and swirled around, a song stuck to my head. I was now in a sudden happy mood.
I turned us around a bit as my head swayed left to right to left to right over and over again.

I didn't need to worry about the path for a while so i dunked my feet in the water and hummed.

I grabbed the same apple I used to feed Tails and began to eat, 'better eat it now before it rots.' I thought as I ate. Apples rot... REALLY fast.

I fell on my back as a sudden wave hit the bottom of the boat. "Woah!" I first reaction was the put the lid back on the cub hole to protect Tails.

I looked around and in front of me as I saw a massive wave. That even a professional like me couldn't get around.
I bent my body and closed my eyes getting ready for the impact. It hit my back, I should've died but the impact was soft, not as strong as it looked, meaning I'm still awake. I screamed from the pain but my head was underwater. (No billie Meme XD) bubbles flew to the surface, I followed them and my head popped out the water as I gasped for air. I saw Felix on top of my apple.

"Uagh! Please help me!" I cried. Either for the sea or the wind to help me. But something hit my back finally knocking me out.

What an actual pain.... darn

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