•Chapter Six•

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•Sonic's POV:•
I was following my grandmother, we were walking across the beach side, she was going to show me something.

When she stopped I looked up and there, I saw a boat, a sailing boat. I gasped and looked at my grandmother. She pointed at the boat, "go on." She laughed. I jumped and ran to the boat, I sighed and got off, I pushed the boat onto the water and jumped on. I looked back to see my grandmother turning back into the forest towards my village. I hummed and looked back.

"Guess I'll have to find a way to survive." I smiled. "I'll go for a small run, I don't any food at the minute." I said, planning on what I'll do.

Finally I got closer to the reef and got prepared, and got in a position where I will make a stance. I took hold of the rope and the oar. I pulled on the rope making then sail wider and twist and pushed the oar back. I landed over perfectly, but of course with a bit of fall from the rough landing. "Not so bad, now, time to turn around and get some food." I said to myself.

I put the oar through its gap and took hold of the rope again. I turned perfectly since I am sort of experienced. Although I heard a loud noise, it was as if water was crashing into each other. I looked behind me and saw a massive wave not to far.

"OH NO!" I shouted. The water crashed onto my figure. The boat got completely destroyed. My leg had got caught in some coral, I was near the surface but I wasn't tall enough to reach and breath. I held my breath in and looked around in a rush. I tried to pry my leg out, I was in compete pain but I needed to get out. I grabbed a rock and began to hit the coral to set myself free. Another wave cane past, the force of the water pushing my body back. Once it was done I continued to hit the coral. I was losing oxygen and needed to hurry up. Another wave.

'I did it!' I thought. I pushed my body to the surface and gasped in for air. My leg hurt so much.

I looked behind me and saw another wave. I quickly swam back to my island. And climbed onto the shore, I collapsed on the sand. Tears prickled in my eyes.

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