•Chapter Two•

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•Sonic's POV:•
I walked through the trees and went to the shore. I sat on the sand and let the sea hit my feet. It was really cold, making me shiver and my quills pop out a bit.

I then felt a soft hand tap my head, I looked up to see it was Grandmother, I smiled as she did the same. She sat down next to me, and began to say a story.

"I believe, that someone in our island will save us from death, I believe that, it could be a hedgehog, who is kind, fast and very thoughtful." My grandmother smiled, looking over the end of the sea. As I did the same.

"So, you will?" I asked my grandmother and looked at her as she shook her head. "I'm too old to travel the great sea." My grandmother said, "surely you aren't." I giggled.

She shook her head softly again, "I'm 79 Sonic, I'm too frail." My grandmother looked at me. She got up and walked away.

I looked over the sea again, the blue was beautiful. I then saw something red shimmer in the blue water. My head went to my side in confusion and I got up. I walked towards the ocean and let out my hand.

My whole body was in the water now, I then held my breath and put my head in, I opened my eyes and looked around, I then saw something coming towards me, it was that red stone-ish thing that glowed. It swiftly landed in my palm. I then felt pressure on my body as I was softly pushed back to the shore and on the sand. I breathed in to catch my breath.

I looked over the smoothly cut, round red stone. Looking over it's beautiful pattens and I could feel the great power just by holding it. And then a white glow came from inside it.

It swirled in circles, trying to escape. I made a little noise if confusion. I then felt my body get picked up, I looked to see it was my chief. But I realised I had dropped the stone, "oh Sonic, you need to stay near land. Where you are safe, like the rest of our people." My chief said. I slouched on his shoulder and sighed. Letting him take me further away from the great blue sea.

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