Chapter Twenty

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"Ah, lighten up, sis. You aren't the only one here who's got a depressing love life." Stan told her. Shelly immediately looked over at the familiar girl who she had seen dating her brother for years. She and Wendy never had any type of relationship, but she felt for him when she saw her giggling and whispering about him with the other girls from afar. She also got word about how she supposedly brought another girl as her date to the party, and almost had to laugh at Stan's daunting competition.

"So, Wendy's a lesbian now, huh? How does it feel, knowing you were such a terrible boyfriend that you made your ex switch teams?" Shelly questioned him with an arrogant smirk, making him glare as his cheeks went red.

"You know, if you want to just sit all alone at this party with no one to talk to all night, you could just say that." He told her, starting to turn away. Shelly felt slight panic cross over her and backpedaled.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, turd. Don't leave me here..." she sighed, making him pause and look back at her, "I'm sorry about Wendy, too. She's a bitch. I never liked her, anyway." She shrugged.

"What's new? You don't really like any of the people I hang out with." Stan rolled his eyes, still regretting the fact that he tried to be nice to his bitch of a sister.

"Correction, I just don't like anyone, period." He told him, "Well, actually, Kyle's alright. He's a good kid. And that Tolkien guy, who used to live next to us. Why did his parents give up their farm again?"

"Oh, Tolkien's dad still runs it. They're just rich enough to hire real employees. They still own the house, too. They just live there during the summer, but they stay in town during the school year. I don't remember why exactly. Definitely something about school transportation, and something about Tolkien's social life. You know it's hard to hang out with people after school when you live 20 minutes outside of town. We're lucky the bus even takes us that far. Plus, he's learning to drive and his parents want him to get used to the city streets instead of the country." Stan explained, and Shelly rolled her eyes with a slight yawn. Stan wasn't amused by her boredom, especially since she was the one who asked.

"Well... I know you got cigarettes... since apparently you're addicted to nicotine, now." Shelly said to him. He raised an eyebrow at her and took another drink of the alcohol.

"Yeah... so what?" He said.

"Can I have one?" Shelly asked, shaking her head at him with a dumb expression. He rolled his eyes, and reached into his pocket.

"They're mom's..." He reluctantly told her as he handed her one.

"I don't care..." She answered, taking it from him and lighting it with a purple lighter from her pocket, "the only reason I get mad at you for it is because I steal her cigarettes, too... she's been suspicious of me for years. If you start taking them, and I'm taking them, she's obviously going to blame one of us eventually, and it's probably going to be me, turd." She glared at him as she explained, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"I don't know, Shelly... I still can't believe she lies and acts like she's not a smoker. Do you really think she'd go accusing us if she didn't even want Dad to know about it?" Stan questioned her. She just stared back at him as she took another long drag.

"Yeah. Besides, Dad's an idiot. He wouldn't notice her smoking if she did it at ten AM, right at the breakfast table." She said, blowing the smoke out at she spoke. Stan stared back at her with a blank expression. He sighed towards his feet, crouching down so he could sit next to her. He took the cigarette from his sister's finger tips and took his own drag as the loud, punk rock music blasted from the RV. Everyone was running around and acting like idiots. Kevin and the older kids were hanging out inside, laughing and talking over each other. He saw Kyle, Clyde, and now Craig all cracking up over the hole they were trying to dig. Kyle was actually doing a pretty decent job, but they were all trying to put their hands on the shovel and help him. His eyes strayed back to Wendy, who happened to lock eyes with him. He was milliseconds from averting his gaze, when she saw an expression cross over her that he'd never seen before. To him, it almost looked like flirting, but in a more judgmental, disgusted way that made him feel about an inch tall. He finally looked away when she turned back to Bebe.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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