Tatsumi Ga Glitch Theatres Act 1: Cringe

Start from the beginning



Unlike the other two music, Tatsumi was confused to what he was hearing. "What the hell is this kind of music?!" This kind of music was too weird for him to hear and he couldn't bear to hear it anymore and it seemed like it was getting on his nerve.

"MARIO!" SMG4 soon intervened and punched said person in general and stopping the music. "Maybe he doesn't like that song...."

Tatsumi was glad that the saner version of Mario made a point. "Oh thank you."

That was until, SMG4 said, "So, why won't we play this song." He soon played the song that popped up in his mind.

Meme machine

Meme machine

I'm a mother****ing meme machine

"Meme machine." SMG4 continued to sing this new song. "Meme machine. Without memes, I will die."

Like Mario's one, Tatsumi was absolutely confused by one word that SMG4 had just said. "The hell's a meme?"

Bob then pushes SMG4 out of the way and looked at Tatsumi once again. "No this song is better."

Boopkins then went to where the speaker was. "No, this one!" He then played another anime music before Bob's music could even be played.

kaze o kitte ike ikite ike hiryuu no goto-

"This is some good song, Boopkins." Tatsumi said in his head as he was already liking this song. He needs to bring some songs when he is back in his world.

"Hmph! Mama-f***er!" Mario soon intervened to stop the hardcore Otaku from playing another anime song.

Unfortunately, that knocked the phone out of Boopkins hands and the device soon slid to where Tatsumi was. Speaking of which, the assassin the picked up the phone, but saw something that was titled.. Sweatshirt by Jacob Sartorius. "Hey, maybe we could listen to this Sweatshirt song."

The four immediately stopped fight over what song to play and they faced Tatsumi with realization expressions of their face. SMG4 then reached his arm out. "WAIT, DON-"

This was too late as Tatsumi soon hit the play button symbol on the phone.

Chillin' with a hair tie,

No makeup with some sweatpants on.

The assassin the starts to hymn to the song. "This is not bad compared to the songs that they had played."

Bob, however, knew what this mean. "If TaTsUmI dOeSn'T kNoW wHaT tHiS iS-"

You know I can always be that guy,

You can think about me all night long

But I think you need something to think of me.

This song seemed to be catchy for the assassin and wondered what the next verse will be.

The others, however, knew what is going to happen. And they need to stop the music before anything bad would happen.

Something that will keep you warm

And show we can be more than just this

So baby if you are not ready for my kiss

"Oh God!" SMG4 said knowing what the next line would be.

"SoMeOnE sToP tHiS gOd FoRsAkEn SoNg?!" Bob asked to anyone.

"I don't think anyone can Bob!" Boopkins admitted to his friend.

Then you can wear my....


At that exact moment, SMG4 soon begins to chock from the air while Boopkins, Mario and Bob begins to have seizures on the floor, Melony wasn't effect by the song and she continued to sleep.

Tatsumi immediately stopped playing the song when he reached that point and when he did He dropped the phone to the floor. He then went silent for a few moments and began to think about what he had just said earlier about a certain bunny girl's music. It was then at this silent moment when he shouted at what was in is mind. "WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT?! I WOULD RATHER LISTEN TO COSMINA'S SINGING THAN THIS—"

Before he could even continue to shout out what he thought in his mind, he then saw SMG4, Bob, Boopkins and Mario lying unconsciously in the floor. Tatsumi soon realised what he had just done and soon began to leave the castle and acting like nothing had ever happened.

*Tari and Saiko soon came in the castle and saw their friends lying unconscious in the castle's floor. They investigated and soon realised that the song 'Sweatshirt' by Jacob Sartorius was the cause of their unconsciousness. Tatsumi was then the sole culprit for this and was beaten by Saiko. He learnt that there were songs that were cringly and was ordered to NOT play any more cringe songs.*

Songs played in this chapter:

Liar Mask by Rika Mayama

Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio ft. L.V.

Pingas song

Meme Machine by Pink Guy

Hiryu no Kishi by TRUE

Sweatshirt by Jacob Sartorius

A/N: To any Jacob Sartorius's fans out there reading this, I am not dissing him. I only just used this song as a meme reference. Oh, and next chapter will be funky.

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