C H A P T E R 2 0

Start from the beginning

In an instant, all the peak masters were outside the floating palace, drawing their weapons and surveying the chaotic scenes unfolding in the towns and empires of mortals below.

"Curse it! Set off the fireworks to summon cultivators from across the world! There are too many of them!" The earlier shouting cultivator seized a cylindrical stick from his waist, channeled his spiritual qi into it, and watched as it ascended and burst into the air, releasing a large puff of black smoke with red sparks amidst the sky.

"Fuck! Let me out!" Liu Xiao pounded on the large red door. Despite his room's luxurious appearance, complete with an array of foods and beverages, he could not comprehend why he was confined.

What the fuck?! I was just at the inn of the Yong'an Empire yesterday, and now I'm here in a luxurious mansion?! This is so confusing... What is happening outside?!

"Wu Shidi? Wu Shidi!" Liu Xiao called out. Abruptly, a diminutive black and purple orb of fire penetrated the closed door, morphing gradually into the silhouette of a young man.

"Master is absent. Be at ease, Master Xiao! This abode is secluded in a distant mountain, and we boast an array of culinary delights! You shall find comfort here and be free from all concerns."

"I'm worried about everything!" Liu Xiao interjected, silencing the demon. "Where is Wu Shidi? Has there been an incident?" The demon remained mute, a subtle smirk forming on his visage. Liu Xiao's brow furrowed as he demanded, "Speak!"

"The master has departed to engage in the conflict," the demon disclosed with reluctance.

Liu Xiao stood aghast momentarily, then abruptly grasped his hair in dismay. WAR?! Why is there a war?! Is it the war between the demon cult and the martial peak masters?! It's supposed to be a few years later; why is everything happening sooner?!

"Please, Master Xiao, calm down," the young demon urged, attempting to soothe him. Despite this, Liu Xiao continued to tug at his hair in a fit of frustration.

Oh my god, I'm going crazy! Everything is happening soon! Did Wu Qingge cultivate properly?! What if he was weak in the war?! But wait, even though he's weak, he's still the protagonist; there will be plot armor, of course. And after the war, Wu Qingge will be...

"NO!!!" Liu Xiao shouted, readying his sword and other gear and donning the second layer of his robe. He was on the verge of opening the large red door when the young demon halted him. "Master Xiao, please calm down! The Master will return after the war."

"No, he won't!" Liu Xiao contended, his expression turning grim and his eyebrows knitting together. "Listen to me; your master is currently in danger!"

The young demon was taken aback, his eyes narrowing as he regarded Liu Xiao with a look of confusion. Despite his urgency to depart, Liu Xiao exhaled deeply and began to elucidate, "Listen, okay? The demon cult leader, Dao Ling, started this war to compel Wu Shidi into revealing himself and participating. Even though your master is formidable and unmatched, he risks being ensnared and trapped by the underworld gate!"

"Do you understand?" Liu Xiao inquired. The young demon gave a slow nod and proceeded to unlock the large red door by channeling his demonic energy, which caused it to creak open gradually. Liu Xiao's brow furrowed as he pondered why it hadn't opened earlier, despite his attempts to force it, only to realize that it had been sealed with demonic energy. He turned to the young demon and patted his shoulders. "Hey, lead the way."

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