It'll Never Be the Same

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A few weeks had gone by, and you hadn't spoken to him since he told you he was in love with you. He left voicemails and texts for a week until he figured out that you weren't responding. It cut you deeply seeing the multiple texts and messages he left, but they were always left on 'read.'


Jungkook sat at his work desk with an elbow propping up his chin as he mindlessly clicked through the presentation he was working on. He'd been like this since you stopped talking to him. He was unsure what to do or say to make you change your mind.

Jin walked past Jungkook's office and then back when he noticed how tragic his friend looked. He softly knocked before opening the door. With no expression on Jungkook's face, he peered at his friend and then back at his screen.

Jin took a seat in front of Jungkook's desk. "You've been so mopey for the past few weeks, and I can see that your pile of revisions for the new game hasn't been touched," he pointed to the papers sitting on his desk. "What's going on?"

Jungkook plopped his head in between his arms on his desk, mumbling and groaning at Jin's question. For a split second, he thought you were his. He almost fucking had you–so fucking close. He couldn't stop thinking about the night he held you in his arms, slow dancing with you, about how sweet you smelled and how soft your hair was. And then going back to your place–your lips on him, your hands, how the two of you fit perfectly together.

"Let me guess. Girl problems?"

Jin's question snapped him back to reality. He groaned again.

"Did she dump you?"

Another groan from the pained young man in front of him. Technically, you didn't dump him because it stopped before it could even begin. If only he had confessed to you earlier, could it have worked out?

"Ah--I see." Jin nodded along. "What can I do to help?"

Jungkook finally looked up. "Can you make me ten years older and unrelated to my sister?" A part of him was still upset at his sister. Why couldn't she understand? And why was she so upset? If it were because Yuna thought Jungkook would hurt you, she'd be wrong because he only wanted to love and cherish you.

Jin softly chuckled, "I think I still have a wish left to grant. Let me see what I can do."

"Hyung, I'm serious. What should I do? I left her a million voicemails and texts, but she hasn't responded." It was starting to become borderline creepy if someone on the outside was looking in. Jungkook had no other choice but to keep trying to talk to you, to make you see the light, to see where he was coming from. There were many nights when he hastily grabbed his car keys, just wanting to show up at your place, begging and pleading for you to try and make it work–that with him by your side, you'd get through it together. He didn't care what Yuna thought because she wasn't his mother. She had no say in who he could and couldn't date. That was his choice.

"I'm sorry, man...I don't know what to tell you. It's a hard situation." Jin could see how smitten and head over heels Jungkook was for you. He'd been in love once or twice and completely understood.

Jungkook buried his head again in the same spot.

"Has Yuna said anything? How are things between them?"

He didn't understand what the big deal was. Yes, you were his sister's best friend, but he would never do anything to hurt you intentionally. All he wanted was one chance to see where you and he could go. But from the last conversation he had with you, maybe the talk between you and Yuna didn't go over well.

"The last thing Yuna said to me was she couldn't stop me from liking Y/n." And he has never stopped liking you. You had been his crush for as long as he could remember. He only wanted you.

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