What Are We Doing?

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A full day out with Yuna and you couldn't look at any more wedding dresses. They were all starting to look the same, just white poofs of tulle. Now that she was going through planning her wedding, a part of you was glad you weren't anymore. You weren't sure what you were thinking when you said yes to U-jin. Maybe it was just something you were 'supposed' to do, something you do after being together for a long time.

When you got home and immediately called Hyunie. "I fucked up." Not even a hello, just straight to the point. It was excruciating hanging out with Yuna, trying not to let it slip that you fucked her little brother. Your whole body would heat up in flames whenever he was mentioned in a conversation.

"What did you do this time?" She let out a deep sigh. She knew she needed to sit down for this because it was going to be a doozy.

"I..maybe, kind of, sort of, slept with Jungkook." You said with hesitation before burying your head into your pillow. Now that some time had passed, you realized how stupid you were for letting it happen. You didn't really think about the consequences, your pussy made all the decisions for you. But the sex was amazing and too good to pass up.

"YAH! What do you mean kind of, sort of? Dicks don't just accidentally slip in." She said with a magnified voice.

"I know! I know! Please don't yell at me! I already feel horrible." Thankfully you weren't doing this in person, you know she'd be throwing things at you too.

Hyunie sighed again, "Okay, fine. I'll save the lecture. So, what are you going to do?"

"I should tell Yuna, shouldn't I?" Were you ready for the wrath of your best friend? To be honest, no, but you needed to put on your big girl panties and be an adult, and just tell your best friend the truth.

"Well, no shit Sherlock...but have you talked to Jungkook about it?"

You were so busy with Yuna that you didn't even have time to text Jungkook. "Not yet. I haven't had any time today." It was hard to get the night before and this morning out of your head. You shuddered thinking about his lips on yours, his touch, his stupid fingers, his stupid smirk, that cocky smirk when he was thrusting into you. Ugh, this whole thing's too confusing.

"I guess talk to him and see what he wants."

"Pray for me." You groaned.

"Praying will not save you from the wrath of your best friend."

Even Hyunie didn't believe that Yuna wouldn't go ape shit when she found out the truth about you and Jungkook. There was no way this would turn out well.


That same night, you asked Jungkook if you could talk to him, so he suggested you go over and you guys could order in. He greeted you with a kiss on the cheek as he pulled you into his apartment. His place was charming and modern, just big enough for him. There was a spacious kitchen, overlooking the dining area and living room, and upstairs led to his loft bedroom.

"Someone's excited." You commented, as his face couldn't hide his excitement of having you at his place and this time you were more than just his 'Noona'. Possible fling, fuck-buddy, girlfriend? You supposed you'd find out soon enough.

"Excited you're here. I didn't know what you were craving, so I may have ordered too much."

You chuckled, looking at the spread of food on the counter. There were three different restaurant bags. "Yeah that is a lot of food."

He began to unpack the food, laying it out on the counter. "So, what did you want to talk about? You seemed really anxious on the phone."

Because you were. You were overthinking every possible detail, every possible scenario about how this whole thing could turn out, and you always came to the same conclusion - that it wouldn't turn out well for anyone. "I'm just going to get straight to the point..." You paused for a moment. "What are we doing?"

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