We Can't Do This

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When he got home, he excitedly called you to let you know the good news. Little did he know, you had already made up your mind about your relationship and were heading over to talk to Yuna. You saw his call and let it go to voicemail. You knocked quietly on Yuna's apartment door and held up a cute white scalloped box as she opened the door.

"I brought a peace offering."

Yuna recognized the cake box that you brought, and her eyes lit up. "You're lucky I like cake."

She grabbed the cake and left the door open for you. At least she didn't slam the door in your face. You took it as a good sign. You walked in and pulled up a stool underneath her kitchen counter. The clinking of plates and forks was resounding loudly throughout the kitchen as the silence between the both of you grew. You swear the gulps you were taking could be heard from the next-door neighbor. Your eyes followed her as she continued to furiously cut a slice of cake to put on the plate.

"Don't take it out on the cake."

"Should I take it out on you instead?" she said, half-jokingly threatening as she held up the knife.

"Okay--I get it. You're still upset." And Yuna had every right to be. You lied to your best friend and kissed her brother, amongst other things - but she didn't need to know that.

"Yeah, I'm upset. Wouldn't you be if you were in my position?" She roughly slid the slice of cake in your direction. You grabbed your fork and took a small bite of the heavily frosted rainbow cake. You looked over and saw Yuna using her fork to push around her slice.

"I can't remember the last time you were this upset at me."

She looked up and went on to eat her cake.

You cleared your throat, "I want to let you know that I'm not going to pursue whatever this is with Jungkook. I love and respect you and our friendship too much." It was a hard decision to come to but you'd rather not lose one of your closest friends, and for what? A relationship that probably wouldn't work out?

Yuna's mouth was full while trying to talk. "I already told him I was fine with it." She didn't look up from her cake, continuing to stuff her mouth.

Her response almost made you choke on nothing. "You did what?"

"Jungkook can do whatever he wants. I'm not his mom."

"And you're okay with that?" you asked with wide eyes. You were not expecting this when you came over today. Honestly, you were expecting her to scold you a bit more, maybe even get into a catfight but in reality, her words would cut you more than her physical strength.

She shrugged. "I don't know yet."

You began chewing on your bottom lip, unsure of what to do now. You had a plan. You were ready to end everything with Jungkook.

"What are you going to do?" Yuna finally peered up from her cake, which was nearly finished.

"What do you think I should do? What do you want me to do? I'll do whatever you want." Your friendship was more important than a boy, even if it was Jungkook, even if he made you melt, or gave you butterflies, which it had been a long time since someone has made you feel that way. But right now, your friendship is more important.

"I know you're going through a hard time right now. I'll say you should sort out your feelings before breaking my brother's heart." The spite and tone in her voice clearly told you that she wasn't okay seeing Jungkook with you, no matter what she said to him.

You silently scoffed. "Wow, that's not passive-aggressive at all. You're assuming I'll break his heart."

Yuna set her fork down and crossed her arms. "I'm his sister. It's my job to protect him."

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