Jeremy checked his phone. "Really don't want to rush anyone, but we have seven minutes left."

Heading to the bedroom, Nicole knelt beside Waverly, the vial in her hand. "Please let this work," she said, removing the cork stopper, turning it upside down, the lilac-coloured liquid wetting the skin of her thumb, moving it to Waverly's lips, rubbing it gently across them, repeating the words the wizard had given her.

Nothing. Nicole looked at her friends. "It's not working. What do I do?"

"Love," Jeremy shouted. "Nicole love. That's the only way it can be administered."

Lifting the vial to her lips she allowed the liquid to touch them, a tingling sensation telling her the potion had been applied. Bending down she kissed the one person she wanted to kiss for a thousand years, stroking her face as she did so. "My love, it's time to wake up," she said, after the deed was done.

Everyone waited, not a sound as they watched for any sign of movement from the one who lay sleeping before them. A toe wriggled, then fingers, a gasp coming from Waverly as her eyes opened, taking several deep breaths, Nicole sweeping her up in her arms.

"I don't want to," Waverly yelled. "You can't make me. Jake, this isn't fair."

"Waverly, my love, it's me. Nicole, you're safe. We've won."

Waverly gazed into Nicole's eyes. "Where am I?"

"My apartment. New York. It's over."

"New York. I thought..."

"I rescued you from the castle, brought you here."

"Jake, Jake was here. He told me to eat the pie. I didn't want to. Nicole, I didn't want to."

"Hey, it's okay. Jake has been taken care of. My grandmother saw to it."

"Your grandmother?"

"We owe a lot to our families. Your uncle is here."

Waverly struggled to sit up, Nicole helping her. "My uncle is in the forest. I don't understand."

"We needed his help."

"Let me see him."

Nicole hesitated. "Not yet. First we must work out what to do from this moment onward."

"Do not hide things from me," Waverly replied. "Your eyes betray you. Where is my uncle?"

Helping her off the bed Nicole led Waverly to the couch where her uncle lay, her heart breaking at the sight of his wingless body. "Oh uncle, you did this for me. The price was too much. Too much."

"My child, no price is too high for your life. It is but a small sacrifice. In time they may grow back. I am content to see you awake."

"I do not deserve such an act. I am forever in your debt."

"We need to get your uncle back to your people," Nicole said. "Jake is no longer a threat, but I'm worried the wizard will seek to trick us again. We go to your homelands."

"But, your life is here," Waverly replied. "I cannot ask you to make such a sacrifice."

"It's no longer an option. We go to my grandmother, seek her protection."

Nicole pulled out her phone making the one call she didn't know how it would go, knowing if she didn't make it, there would forever be parts of her life unconnected. "Hello my darling. Did you see your father's photo of the lights? I told him not to climb on the roof, but he insisted."

"I met grandmother."

Nicole's mother was silent. "That's impossible dear. She's dead."

"She helped me in the Forest of Foreboding."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now