No sooner had the last word left her lips the fairy lord appeared through the trees, bowing before them, Nicole bowing back. "What brings you here so soon?"

"The wizard has Waverly under a spell. We need the essence to make the antidote."

The fairy lord's expression changed to one of sadness. "Stolen. We have none to give you."

"Fuck. Who has it?"

"The wizard's assistant. We are working on making more, but it will be weeks before it is ready."

"Fucking Jake. Absolutely fucking typical. I knew this was going too well." It was then she remembered all the tiny bottles on the shelves of the cottage where Robin ate the pie, letting out a gasp. "Guys, I think I know where it is. How will I know which is yours?"

"I will," the fairy lord replied. "Wherever it is I will know it."

"The Forest of Foreboding. That's where we need to go."

"We will fly you," the fairy lord offered. "It is some distance."

"I have a better idea," Nicole replied. "Goblin express. We use their tunnels."

The fairies escorted them to Gold Valley, Jeremy explaining the new challenge to the goblins, their leader agreeing the quickest way to get to the forest would be via their underground transport system. Nicole requested they make a detour to Riddle Me Do, a plan forming in her head as to how to get the better of Jake. There was one further request she made, the goblins happy to oblige, the party setting off at speed through the tunnel taking them to the village.

Arriving at their destination, Nicole led the way to the tavern, exchanging one gold nugget for the items she longed to have in her possession once more. With everything she could think of that might aid the task of acquiring the essence, she laid out her plan, Jeremy making a few modifications, the fairy lord nodding in agreement.

Entering the foreboding forest she found herself doubting her own worth, her ability to succeed, reassuring herself she was loved, that those who cared for her would stand beside her in their new quest to rescue Waverly from the clutches of evil hands. Spying the cottage, instructing Jeremy and the fairy lord to hide in the woods, she approached, knocking three times.

Jake's face appeared as he opened the door, not entirely shocked to see her, a grin forming as he welcomed her in. "I wondered how long it would take you to figure out," he said, motioning for her to take a seat. "You really make things super hard for yourself don't you."

Nicole nodded. "See, Jeremy's right, we've been playing this your way. Now we play it my way."

"Is that so? And you think you are smarter than me. That's rich. You think a little fairy dust will give you the advantage."

"Perhaps. And, a little help from friends, who would happily join me."

Jeremy felt the flute quiver in his hands seeking to be free. Letting go he watched as Happily danced its way towards the cottage, the fairy lord perched on his shoulder without him knowing.

"And what can your friends do for you?" Jake asked. "Both ended up deserting you in your hour of need. Or, should that be desserting you?"

"Ha ha, very good. You're right they did. But, you know what? They were there for me. It's this place, that's what made me realise."

"That you'll never defeat the wizard. Perhaps you're not as dumb as you look."

"Perhaps. It made me realise I'm loved. That there are those who will happily fight beside me."

"And, where are they?" Jake asked. "Where are your happy fighters?"

A light tapping on wood interrupted their conversation, Jake opening the front door to see a flute waiting for him. "Happily, play a lullaby," Nicole requested, the flute rising in the air, playing a tune that made her eyes heavy.

The last thing she heard was Jake's laugh and his mocking words. "You're a bigger fool than I had you for."

Tying her to the chair, he couldn't decide what to do with her, failing to notice the sliver of goblin's rope slithering towards him. As he was about to rub a potion to her lips to turn her into a frog the rope twisted itself round his ankles, winding its way up his legs, looping and looping until he was trussed up with nowhere to go except face first onto the floor. Jeremy appeared in the doorway, fingers in his ears instructing the flute to stop playing, placing a sword in Jake's one free hand, standing back.

"Oh, this is too much," Jake said, roaring with laughter. "You actually hand me the sword to end your friend's life. I'm tempted not to use it. Rope would you be so kind, the person held you must unbind."

The rope began uncoiling itself from Jake's body as Nicole began to awaken. As her eyes opened she took in the scene, one she hoped to survive. With his arms and legs now free Jake shook the remaining rope away from his body, holding the sword to Nicole's heart. "Tell me. What would stop me from pushing this in?" he asked, his eyes full of hatred.

"My grandmother," Nicole replied.

Jake's eyes flashed, knowing if he committed this act he would have the entire elven folk descend on him. Backing away, lowering the sword, he cursed under his breath. "What makes you think you have her protection?"

Nicole shrugged. "I don't. But, are you willing to risk it?"

"Take what you came for and be gone," Jake snapped. "I've no time for you."

With that the fairy lord lifted the bottle of essence from the shelf, handing it to Nicole. As they emerged from the cottage she came upon a sight that took her breath away. Before her stood an elegant woman who had her mother's eyes, smiling at her, bowing slightly. "So this is my grandchild," she said to a party of elves accompanying her. "You have our hair and your mother's wild side."

Before she could stop herself she was kneeling before this majestic lady. "I didn't know you existed. I'm sorry."

A hand touched her head. "Your mother and I parted on a misunderstanding. Is she well?"

"Yes," Nicole replied, looking up, not quite believing she was in the presence of her magical family. "I didn't even know I was Troy."

"You are the one who rescued the princess. Your heroic deed is already being talked about. To think my own grandchild would be the one."

"She's sick. The wizard still has her under his control."

"Come, no need to kneel. Tell me what troubles your heart."

Rising before her grandmother, explaining the situation, her relative listened, hands reaching out to embrace her lost grandchild, Nicole melting into her arms. "I've given my heart to her," Nicole said, without thinking. "She means everything to me."

"I can see," her grandmother replied. "You are an open book in your affections for Waverly. We will assist you as far as we can. But, the end to this quest lies upon you."

"I wish I'd known all of this existed," Nicole said. "I hated it at first. Nothing made sense. But now, knowing I have family, knowing I have a grandmother."

"And I knowing I have you as a granddaughter. I am more than proud of you and what you will become. Now, go save that princess of yours."

Nicole hugged her grandmother one last time, promising to visit once she had awoken Waverly. As they walked away from the cottage they could hear Jake pleading with the elves to spare him, knowing he had incurred their wrath.

With the essence in their possession, with time ticking down, they had but one way to return to New York. That was through the magic mirror in the theatre, the three making their way through the woods by Riddle Me Do, Jeremy spying his scarf. "What happens if he's there?" he asked.

"There's no other way," Nicole replied. "We just have to hope this isn't another trap."

The Slipper & The Magic Mirror (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now