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Y/n Pov

Tears running down along his cheek and fall down on my shoulder as his grip loosen on me. He covered his face as he was crying his heart out and I moved away from him.

"I-i fucking hate y-you..." He sobbed.

Jin moved over towards him and hugged him tightly against him as I ran my hand on his back, comforting him down.

"Namjoon" He said. "You're like a little brother to me. I know it's my fault but, things can't changed in the past if you kept going to let anger take over you"

Namjoon cried onto his hyung broad shoulder as both of us stayed by his side, consoling him down.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon. I'm really sorry..."

Soon after, tears stopped coming down and he blacked out as Jin sighed. Jin lifted him up by his shoulder and put him down slowly on my bed since we're still in my room.

"Let him rest. Just...you can sleep in my room if you want. I can sleep on the couch downstairs"


The next day,

I opened my eyes at the sound of the alarm and my hand reached out to turn off the alarm. I sat up properly on the bed and looked at my surrounding, noticing that I'm in Jin's room.

A strong smell of food came in from the kitchen making a smile to appear on my face. I hurrily went downstairs to meet his back who's concentrated on cooking.

I sat on the chair at the counter top, staring at his broad shoulder as he still not noticing my presence behind him.

I took an apple in a bowl beside me and bit into it, purposely moaned. It startled him as he turned around to face me smiling sheepishly at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a dark vibe suddenly surrounded him as he looked at me with...unknown emotion.

I shallowed the lump in my throat and put the apple aside, meeting his gaze.

"Eating an apple...?"

"Not that. The moan" I bit my lips at the sudden nervous as he was eyeing me up and down.

I heard the gas being turned off in a swift and he walked to me to stand in front me as my head hanging low, looking at my feets.

"Look at me, y/n-shii" He said in low tone before my head being lifted up by my chin and I met his dark eyes who's looking down at me.

He ran his thumb along my lips sending shiver down to my spine.

"You know..."

"I haven't taste the sweetness of your lips yesterday" He said. "I bet it taste like strawberry"


"Stop talking, princess. Your voice is like a lullaby to me. And I don't think I can control myself now"



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