Ask & Dare 72

70 6 104

F o o d   B<

Fandom and Odd are back to normal basically unstuck- (They're still a bit disgusted and teensy about the ship they saw so they're kind of awkward to each other a bit)

Fandom and Odd are still held hostage and Nick is trying to get information about them-


Fandom: Yo Nick why would kidnapp us.

Odd: Yea.

Nick: I didn't kidnapp you I tied you up to an chair and I'm waiting for you to say some infomation.

Odd: What infomation?

Nick: W h e  r e      d o        y o u       c o m e       f r o m???

Fandom: I come from the dead.

Odd: Pft-

Fandom: No seriosly.

Odd: What-

Nick: Oh you dead?

Fandom: Yea. Dead in the inside?

Nick: I don't mean that- I mean like dead dead like you died for real.

Fandom: Oh...

Nick: Ahaha I can sense the darkness of you saying you are aren't you?

Odd: Huh?

Fandom: Oh! I have something else to tell about my self!

Nick: Finally you agree to say something to me-

Fandom: I like food.


Nick:... B*tch what-


Uhhh creator I think you done something of doing a dare/ask two times with the oc's- about Fandom's past thing ask & dare- by HelloMotherFlipper

Wait wah?

Let me just-

*after checking*


I thought the last one didn't save-

I don't if my wattpad was drunk or broken but when I first did the ask & dare and I came to check it the ask & dare was like GONE-

So I thought I didn't save and I had to redo it-

I guess that explains why there was two of them-

I don't know what happened tho-



Plus you forgot to feed the lemon to the ocs by wattttpaaduser


I thought it was only for dreamswap- SORRY!

Here's something to help me and all of you-

When you want to give ask/dare to all Dreamswap please just use characters or just Dreamswap for easy-

When you want to give/ask to all the oc's just use ocs.

And when you want BOTH to do it just use this for Everyone or you could say Dreamswap & Oc's!

Hope that helps!

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