Some Dreamswap information-

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I was looking for some of the Dreamswap Character information and I found so info on Randy, Finch, Hacker, Bobby, and Ani!  :D


Randy wears buttoned plaid and jeans and stands very tall and large at a menacing 6'6". (DAM HE TALLER THAN DREAM- He must be the tallest out of the whole Dreamswap characters I think-)

  He is 35 years old, and in spite of his threatening demeanor, he wouldn't hurt a fly and never hesitates to dad anyone who comes within a mile's radius of him. ( he's so harmless that's why I would want him to be my dad:) )

Randy is said to have come from a 'nightmare dimension' of a universe where all of the inhabitants have an ingrained desire to kill outsiders–aka those who slip into the dimension by accident while dreaming. 

Randy, however, knew better, and despite his horrible situation, he tried to help people. In the end, Justice Reigns hailed in as they usually do and wiped everything out, leaving Randy as the only survivor, as they didn't find him.

 Not much else has been said about him, aside from how he accidentally 'stole' Bobby from JR and pretty much adopted him. (Originally inspired by Horrortale.)


Finch is a captain at Justice Reigns, and thus is often seen wearing the white military uniform that the soldiers wear. 

His right eye is artificially engineered, and often emits a strange yellow flare for some unknown reason.  (wonder what happened there-👀)

He stands at 5'6, is 24 years old, and has a large scar over the side of his face, straight over his artificial eye.

Finch's backstory is not heavily elaborated on in the public. 

His full name is Finch Hendrickson. 

He has been said to be a trans man who comes from a universe based on the early 1900s, and now works for Justice Reigns after getting help transitioning as well as getting a new eye from them. 

He was said to be tester for the new technology. 

It is known that Hacker hovers around him and definitely has a thing for him. (Originally inspired by Color Sans.)


Bobby wears a short sleeved hoodie with a black long-sleeved shirt under it and shorts. 

He is the smallest and youngest living Dreamswap character–at least those on the vaguely important side–standing at 5'4". He is 18 years old.

Bobby does not actually have a legal name, but was said to have named himself "Bobcat" before Randy admitted it was ridiculous and suggested Bobby instead. 

While he is notoriously loud, talkative and obnoxious, he actually came from a sacrificial cult where the 'average' members were not allowed to speak. 

Justice Reigns stepped in on the situation, wiping the cult out and taking all of the children back with them, Bobby included. 

In the midst of this, he unexpectedly met Randy, who helped him escape from JR since it just wasn't a neat place to be. 

It is implied that Bobby enjoys talking because he was not allowed to do it growing up. 

Bobby also idolizes Nightmare, seeing him as a master criminal who constantly evades capture by JR. ( I laughed at this a bit)

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