💙🤍The Talk🤎🖤

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Hello! This is for my friend OddAvacado.

Can I know what happened when blue talked to ink about the weapon thing? by OddAvacado

This might contain a little bit of Dreamswap Blink/Inkberry-

So Here you go! ^^

Warning: This might be bad and a bit too short-


No one's Pov

As Blue pulled Ink through the hallways Ink kept asking "Why do we need to talk?!"

"Because we have to" answered Blue.

"What could be so important of the both of us needing to talk?" Ink asked.

"I'm  not asking you to have an talk. I'm making you" Blue answered.

"Where are we going?" Ink asked.

"To your room" Blue answered.

"What- Why mine?" Ink asked again.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Blue asked Ink.

"I- WOW" Ink said feeling defeated.

After a couple of hallways and stairs they finally made it to Ink's room.

"Why is your room so far away?" Blue asked as he opened the door to Ink's room.

"Why you asking me? You should ask Boss! That was his choice" Ink answered.

"And why is you room so f*cking messy!" Blue asked as he looked around in Ink's room.

There were papers, crayons, coloring supplies, and pieces of cloths everywhere around Ink's room. 

The walls were covered with papers of different types of drawings.

The only spot that was clean and empty was the left corner of the room. 

It also seemed like Ink didn't give mercy to the bed also.

The bed was splattered in different types of paint colors.

"Seriously! How do you even sleep!?" Blue asked honestly disappointed.

"Oh! Look whos asking so many questions now!" Ink said 

"And I don't really sleep on my bed." Ink answered.

"What?! Then where do you sleep?!" Blue.

"None ya." Ink said.

"What? What do you mean none ya-" Blue asked but got cutted of.

" None ya Business!" Ink answered.

"Wow" Blue said in an not impressed tone

"So what are we gonna talk about?" Ink asked.

Blue didn't say anything.

It was silent.

"We're talking about the 'military' thing." Blue answered suddenly to break the silence.

"Oh....but...how did you-" Ink asked once again.

"So...how is your recovering going?" Blue asked.

"Good." Ink answered quickly that it almost seemed fake.

Blue obviously glared at Ink knowing it was an lie. 

"That's an obvious lie. Tell me the truth" Blue said sternly.

"I told you! I'm fine..." Ink said sounding annoyed.

"You know you can tell me right? I won't tell anyone" Blue said trying his best truthful innocent voice.

Ink glared at Blue. 

Ink now didn't trust Blue at this moment due to how Blue said he won't tell anyone.

"Hah like an obvious lie! And I'm fine!" Ink answered.

Blue sighed trying to get Ink to trust him.

Blue slowly took Ink's hand and holded them gently with his hands.

" You can trust me! I promise! I won't tell anyone...please? I'm worried for you...." Blue said again.

Ink was a bit surprised and blushing a bit.

It felt weird for Ink because he thought no one would really care for him.

But it seemed like Blue really cared.

Ink looked down thinking whether if he should or should tell him the truth or not.

Ink then looked at 2 other persons.

Ani and X-Chara.

Ani nodded in agreement and X-Chara gave him an thumbs up.

Ink sighed and looked back at Blue's face who was still giving him an innocent worried face.

"So..?" Blue suddenly said.

"Fine...." Ink answered slowly.

"I trust you..." Ink answered.


Welp that's all I can spill-  -w-'

Sorry if this wasn't exactly what you expected. -w-'

And sorry if it is too short. 

Its just that I felt bad for only making 1 chapter after 3 days 

So I decided to make another chapter before tomorrow. -w-'

I hope you like it- -w-'

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