Ask & Dare 33

283 10 251

Hi :D



Lets start-


Frickity frack- MY CHILD, I DARE YOU TO SAVE THE CARROT!! by The_Meme_Glitch

Nova: Ok? OwO

Nova: *Doesn't know what happened to Carrot*

Nova: Wait...where even is he-


Finch: *Ahem* *Puts on fake glasses to look smart* I believe that is called being a tsundere. UvU by The_Meme_Glitch

Finch: ಥ_ಥ'


Don't worry, Nova shall (Hopefully) save you soon, Carrot- Ú^Ù by The_Meme_Glitch

Carrot: I hope.

Meanwhile with Nova

Nova: UmMMm HasSS anYonE sEen An SkeLeToN iN aN oRaNgE swEatEr!

Nova: *Holding an picture of Carrot*

Random Stranger dude: Da fack is she doing?

Random Stranger dude 2: Dunno man-


Dream: now I that I imagine that champ isn't there with you as much as he is probably hanging out with Kevin, have you been paying more attention to marigold lately I think she could use some attention. by honk42069

Dream: Well yes..

Dream: Champ now stays at Kevin more..

Dream: Kind of miss him...but I'm sure he's happy!

Dream: And yes actually I have been giving more attention to Marigold.

Dream: I have Ink telling me what she's saying so I can know what she wants.

Dream: But Marigold can be very calm sometimes so she doesn't do that much...


Error this time drink wine with dream and ink also dream has to actually drink as does ink at least one bottle but if they decide they want more they can have more whether or not it's ink or not *looking at you Fandom and Ani* by honk42069

Error: Awh sh*t not again-


Ink: O_O

*20 minutes later*

Dream & Error: *kissing each other while their drunk*

Ink: *staring at the bottle*

Ink: What is this sh*t even made out of-

X-Chara: Hmmmm currently it is made out of- 

Ink: Wait don't-

X-Chara: Wine is an alcoholic beverage made with the fermented juice of grapes. Technically, any fruit is capable of being used for wine (i.e., apples, cranberries, plums, etc.)  *talking too fast*

Ink: fermented what-

X-Chara: but if it just says "wine" on the label, then it's made with grapes. (By the way, wine grapes are different than table grapes).

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