Ask & Dare 13

409 14 60


Y e s 


Dream, you know that the most people call you chicken or pigeon? (I personally call you overgrown canary..) by Emeraldgaze19

Dream:.....yes >:(

Dream: And overgrown canary? That's something new..

Dream: I actually like canary better-

Dream: Plus! Its my favorite bird actually so....

Dream: thanks?


Nightmare, Cross, Error, i dare you to irrupt in Dream's office while he's working, reciting an your personal version of the Team Rocket's motto by Emeraldgaze19

*Cross, Nightmare, and Error smirk and look at each-other*

*Meme squad breaks in to Dream's office*

Dream: GoD DaMmIt WhAt dO yOu WaNt NoW?!

Ink:.... O_O

Nightmare: Prepare for true memes!

Cross: Make it Better!

Error: To make the world filled with millions of memes!

Cross: To make people remember us forever!

Dream's mind:*What the heck-?*

Nightmare: To announce the balance of negativity and positivity!

Error: To extend our population!

Nightmare: Purple Guy!

Cross: Meme Lord Guy!

Error: Coffee guy!

Nightmare: Meme Squad Get Ready for the Memes!

Cross: Get ready for the laughers you'll be doing or hearing!

Kevin: BoK BoK ( ThaTs RiGht!)

Ink: Best Team Rocket Motto Ever? Really?

Dream: Wait what?

Ink: you....Don't know? >:V

Nightmare:  >:V How...

Cross:     >:V     Dare..

Kevin: BOK! (YOU!)

Fandom: Sorry if its terrible I tried my best...TwT


Hacker, i hate your original version but since you're not him by Emeraldgaze19

Hacker: What did original me do to you?


I have a gift for you *give to Hacker a photo of Finch naked under the shower* don't ask me how did i got It :3 by Emeraldgaze19

Hacker: *sees the picture*

Hacker: *Nose bleeds a bit an blushes a lot but is happy about it*

Hacker: HoLy ThAnKs! :D

Hacker: I shall keep it in my diary and stare at it all day!


Ink... MAKE THE SHIPS SAIL!!!! by Nether_Brick9

Ink: Y e s

Ink: *takes out his broomie and makes a ink puddle teleporter on the floor*

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