Ask & Dare 23

308 11 101

Poor Dream-


Thankies for the ask & dares also-


*Meanwhile in a conversation*

Fandom: Alright b*tches. Its been a-

Harmony: Hey...I said language.... >:(

Fandom: Sorry-

OddAvacado: *munching on food*

Nova: * Making noises by drinking juice with her straw*


Fandom: O_O

Harmony:  :<

Fandom: I missed it when it was silent-

OddAvacado: mmmhhh yummmyyyyy

OddAvacado: What were we talking about again-?

Fandom: *sighs*

Fandom: Its been an day and its now time to save mai child from Baldy's basic!  *says it in a speech way*

Nova: so..? -w-

Fandom: O_O     *pretend there's an eyebrows there where it makes the face mad-* 

Nova: ? 

Fandom: Nevermind-

Harmony: I checked on Blue and Carrot and they're not fighting -w-

Fandom: Good what about Ink-

Adelaide: I checked on him.

Adelaide: He's been screaming and running down the halls while some crazy weird looking people chase him down.

Nova: I would love to see that-

Fandom: N O

Nova: Oofie...  QwQ

Fandom: Anyways! I'm gonna teleport Ink back to our world or I mean au I guess.

OddAvacado: Nom NUm Nom.

Fandom: Is that really how you eat skittles?

OddAvacado:  Yes.....?  OwO'

Fandom: I'm not gonna ask......

Fandom: *starts making an portal for Ink to go to back to this universe*

*Meanwhile with Ink*

Ink: AaaHhhhHHHhhHhHh

Ani: Ink run! QwQ

Principle: No running in the halls.

*Portal suddenly opens where Ink was running*


Ink: *tries to stop but fails to and ends up getting in the portal*

Ink: *Ends up back to his universe in his room*

Ink: Its over! :D  *Says it in a very out of breath voice but in relief*

Ani: Thats good. 

X-Chara: I'm only impressed about how you were able to survive a day in that world.

Ink: I- ...Wow-     Q_Q

Ani: Chara! Be nice to Inky! >:(

Ink: Since when did you start calling me Inky!

Ink: I thought that the orphanage kids call me that and sometimes Blue.   O_O

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