Ask & Dare 41

187 9 175










Which is the oldest oc by honk42069

Fandom: I have no clue-


All the ocs have to try to get a job by honk42069

Sea: oh, uhhh

Sea: *flashback of her last jobs of getting fired*

Sea: I don't think theirs any body gonna be hiring me-

Fandom: 👁👄👁💧

Fandom: uhhhh I did stole things away from probably almost every store-

Fandom:  And I kind of been caught a lot of times-

Fandom: I might be wanted-

Nova: :V

Nova: Y e s h

Nova: *goes to chick fa lay*

Nova: HeY geT I woRk HeRe   BD

Worker: Go ask the manager-

Nova: Where are they-

Worker: i am the manager.

Nova: Oh ok- then can I work here?

Worker: Go ask the manager.

Nova: BRUH-

OddAvacado: :D

OddAvacado: I cAn mAke MonEY  noW

OddAvacado: *goes to an restaurant*

OddAvacado: Konwicha! :D 

Worker: Hello how may I take your order? *speaks Japanese*

OddAvacado: 👁👄👁💧


Who is the biggest gamer out of the ocs by honk42069

Fandom: I have no clue-

Fandom: But I think Nova, OddAvacado, or Sea would be the best gamer-


How do the ocs feel about each other(not in a romantic sense I mean like say nova yknow didn't really like Alex all that much or some shit yknow) by honk42069

Nova: I feel nice around others! >;3

Nova: Especially  pranking people  >:)

Fandom: I love them. 

Fandom: SO nice not to be alone :'D

OddAvacado: I enjoy them UwU

Harmony: I like them :)

Harmony: Tho they can be trouble makers sometimes-

Alex: I don't usually spend time with the other ocs.

Alex: I usually stalk some skeletons having an couple relationship >;3

Alex: But I like them! UwU

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