✨Ds Facker/Ds Hinch Confession Scene✨

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Sorry if you waited for an long time.

Its probably been three days you've been waiting.

But its here!

Well as you can see I asked which ship should sail next.

And Ds Facker/Ds Hinch got the most votes.

So this ship is...

Hacker x Finch! ^^

Also- I might of done an bad job on this- 


well here ya go-


No one's Pov

It was 11pm.

Finch was still up though.

He was guarding the Jr entrance of course.

Finch walked around the Jr.

Finch was using his head as an flashlight for the dark.

That's when Finch froze.

He could see someone crawling out of an balcony.

Finch knew who this was.

"Oh wow...he still sneaks out doesn't he?" Finch asked himself not surprised.

Finch sighed an disappointment. 

Finch decided to ignore him and go look back to his guarding.

That's when Finch heard something.

Finch looked up only to see an skeleton on an tree.

"Uhhhhhhhhh hi?" the skeleton said.

Finch was not surprised. 

"Really Hacker? Do you really think you can scare me on an tree?" Finch asked.

"Uhh yes!" Hacker said.

"Well you failed" Finch said.

"OOF" Hacker said in disappointment.

"Well what brings you here?" Finch asked.

" Uh...something." Hacker said.

"Suspicious!" Finch thought.

"Liar! What Are you doing here!" Finch asked again wanting an dam answer. 

"Ok Ok Ok Ok fineeee" Hacker answered quickly.

Finch stared at Hacker waiting for an answer. 

"Uh....help-" Hacker said not knowing how the heck down the tree.

Finch was a bit confused until he noticed why Hacker said help.

Totally Ask & Dare DreamswapHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin