Ask & Dare 14

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Carrot, how do you really feel about your bro? by Star_Fruit_Lover

Carrot: I don't care about him...

Fandom: *holds the chanchala* B e   T R U T H F U L

Carrot: *puts hands up* OK OK OK

Carrot: I....don't get it....its like I love him but then hate him....

Carrot: It feels weird to see my brother like way different then he used to be.....

Carrot: I don't even know if I love him or hate him.

Carrot: I-it doesn't make sense.....

Carrot: Its not like I want him to leave me......


Harmony: *Holds Blue's face* Have you met original Blue? by Star_Fruit_Lover

Blue: Yes I did.

Blue: I don't like him.

Blue: He is too...I don't know to confident?

Blue: wait...but I'm also confident too-

Blue: Ugh what ever I'm just a bit 'jealous' of him....


Also Fandom, could me(Or more specifically Harmony) be in this? If not it's fine- by Star_Fruit_Lover

Fandom: You may be in this UwU

*teleports Star_Fruit_Lover/Harmony here*

Fandom: :3

Fandom: heres a bit of a  problem though-

Fandom: I don't know your personality and that much about you so-


Error, eat mustard flavored chocolate by Star_Fruit_Lover

Error: Ew no.

Error: I'd rather eat regular chocolate-

Cross: hey Error here want some chocolate >:) *Is holding an chocolate but Error doesn't know it is mustard*

Error: *le Gasp*


Error: *takes chocolate gently from Cross's hands*

Error: *bites the chocolate*

Cross: >:)



Champ. Do you hate Cats or you think you can tolerate them? Oh, and, When Will you Ask Kevin to become officially your mate? by Emeraldgaze18

Champ: WoOf! (I actually think Cats are interesting. But I never seen one since Mama Dreamy only lets me see dogs...)

Champ: WooF WooF(But! I seen an stray cat before....and I wanted to learn about them so I began chasing the cat....but he ran away from me....)

Champ: Woof....( I just wanted to be his friend....)

Champ: WooF Woof! ( And about Kevin...I am planning on it with Inky helping me!)

Ink: :) 

Also Ink: Hold up- Did you just called me Inky-

Fandom: Surprised huh? Ink can speak many languages so- 

Fandom: Or  he just learns many languages to fast

Fandom: And somehow he learned how to speak dog language and chicken language...


Me: I hate him, that's he's shipped with both my Nightmare and my Dream.... by Emeraldgaze18

Hacker: 👁👄👁

Hacker: WhY would I want to date an chicken and an purple guy from fnaf-


i dare carrot to try and make fun of ink in front of everybody so we all can beat him up UwU by I_kittyen456764

Carrot: Oh heck no-

Carrot: I already gotten beat  him and now my hand is broken! 

Ink: *sips juice from his juice box*

Ink: Yep...pretty sure you ain't want another broken bone part-

Carrot: ShUt uP yOu LiTtLe bOy!

Ink: And you done it.

Carrot: Wait- NO-

*Cross, Randy, Dream, and Error break in the room by shattering the glass window*


*A few moments later*

Carrot and the others:

Chara: I really enjoy this.. :)

Ani: I agree! Seeing someone get beated up is awesome.

Ink: Yep! Its such a perfect view that I'm drawing an picture of this view!

Blue: >:)


Whelp looks like Carrot is having a splendid time there :3


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