Chapter 1

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"Guess I'm dead." I mumble to myself walking down the road. I kick a pebble that's in front of me and sigh. I've been walking down this road for god knows how long and I have know idea where it leads. I've discovered that I can fly but it's tiring.

"Oh look! A church." I groan. "WHY DID I COME HERE FOR SOMETHING SO POINTLESS?" I shout into the emptiness around me. I walk up to the church and go to open the door. My hand goes straight through the door and I frown. "Guess I'm invisible, huh?" I mumble. I walk through the door and there was a lady. She was dressed up in nun clothes so I assumed she worked here.

"Oh, hello! My apologies but I didn't hear you enter!" She says excitedly walking up to me. "You can see me?" I hesitantly ask. "Of course I can see you! Why wouldn't-"
"who are you talking to Sarv?" A voice asks from behind her. She looks at him then back at me. "Oh." She says plainly. I walk past her and stand in front of the tall guy. "How come you can see me and he can't?" I mumble floating up to his face. I wave my hand in front of his face and frown.

I go back to the ground and stand up again and turn to face the nun. "Can you make yourself visible?" She asks. I shrug in response. "I can try." I mumble. I do the same thing I do to fly, which is think about doing it, and I look up at the nun to see if it worked. She looks up at the very tall male and he's frowning down at me. "Guess it worked." I say. "Great! Now, would you like to join the church?" The nun asks. "No thanks." I respond. She looks at me shocked with my response. "You can't stay here then!" She says back aggravated. "I didn't really want to be here anyways." I reply leaving the church.

I start walking down the road I came from and start to feel extremely dizzy. My legs collapse underneath me and I'm lying there unable to move. I try get up by flying or lifting myself up but it doesn't work. I lie there for a while and watch the sun set above me. A tall shadow stands over me and i frown. I shield my eyes from the sun and look at who it is and it's the tall guy from the church. "Do you need help?" He asks in a deep voice with a hint of an accent. He sticks his hand out and I grab it pulling myself up. "How did you know I was out here?" I ask looking up at him. "I saw you from the window." He reply's flatly. We start walking back to the church in silence.

"My names Y/n by the way. Y/n L/n." I say looking up at him. He quickly glances down at me and looks back up. "Ruv." He replies plainly. "What's the accent?" I ask. "Russian." He responds in his deep monotone voice. We walk in silence again until we reach the church doors. "She won't let me in, you know?" I say looking up at him. "She will. Just wait here a second." He says looking down at me. He walks in the church and shuts the door behind him. I sit against the church wall.

By the time he comes back out it's dark. "You can come in." He says looking down at me. I stand up and follow him inside. The nun nervously smiles at me as I walk in. "I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot! My name is Sarv!" She says. "Thanks. I'm Y/n L/n." I respond. "If you don't mind me asking, are you a lost spirit?" She asks. I shake my head and smile awkwardly. "Well, uhm, do you want me to show you to your room?" She asks. I nod and follow her to my room.

I sit on my bed and sigh, staring at my hand. I figured out how to be translucent but it's not as fun as I thought it would be. I go invisible and decide to stick my head through the wall. Next to my room is Ruvs room and he's sitting on his bed. I walk through the wall and stand in his room, making myself visible. "Hello." I say. He stands up very fast and pulls out a knife. He glares at me and puts the knife away. "Don't do that." He aggressively says sitting back down. "Sorry." I mumble sarcastically.

I sit down next to him and sigh. "Aren't you tired? It's late." I say looking up at him. He shakes his head in response. He takes of his hat and rubs his face. "Oh look! You have hair. Thought you were balding or something." I say out loud. He glares down at me in anger. "Just stop with the attitude!" He shouts at me. I flinch and stand up, crossing my arms. "Go to sleep first!" I shout back at him. He walks over and towers above me, glaring down. "Get out!" He shouts. I go translucent and hover off the floor. "Should've just left me on the road outside." I mumble floating though the wall.

Word count: 904
Thanks for reading!
I'll try to update as regularly as possible.
Remember to eat/drink/sleep and have a good day/night. <3

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