After Alphys went to sleep, I started finding the sheet of math questions that Alphys mentioned. I tried not to accidentally read whatever she had written in there. There were 8 questions in it. I feel a bit tired, but I guess I can try solving 'em first. After an hour or two, I manage to find the answers. 52,44,57,5,5,8,8,19. What do these numbers mean? They are not representing any alphabets since there are only 26 letters. Welp, maybe it was just a random sheet of paper.

(Y/n)'s POV

"*Huff* I'm... back.Phew." "That was a close call." "Yeah, thank goodness the guard can only sense me when I am moving. Or else I would have been dead by now. Where am I going next?" "Are you sure you don't want to rest a bit? You have already traveled 3 timelines." "Well, I am sleeping in the current timeline, right? It does count as resting." " *Sigh*, just make sure you get enough rest after all this." "Sure." "Are you ready for the next task?" "Yep." You walked into the portal after talking with Dr. Gaster. He is getting more and more visible after every trip. You felt happy to help him get out of the darkness and back to the world. You feel tired after every trip, but you were determined to help him, at the same time, learn about yourself.

This timeline was more peaceful as there was no one around and the surrounding was quite as well. You knew that you were in Hotland... but it usually isn't this quiet. You found a grey character on your path. He was holding something that was in the shape of Dr. Gaster's head. You walked up to him. "Alphys might work faster. But the old royal scientist, Doctor W.D. Gaster? One day he vanished without a trace. They said he shattered across time and space. Haha... How can I say so without fear? I'm holding a piece of him right here." The man who just spoke in rhyme disappeared. After searching the whole floor, you can't seem to find what you were looking for. You can't seem to go anywhere else either since the lift was in use.

After a while, the portal reappeared, so you walked back into the void. "Um, I'm sorry. I didn't find anything." "Or anyone?" "Oh, I did talk to a grey character, I mean, he did talk to me, but he vanished." "Anything you found odd?" "He did say he was holding ' a piece of you. ' " "Maybe?" "You don't know?" "I am not sure but will you go back and find out?" "Sure." "Wait a moment while I search another timeline where you can meet him." "Wait, I can't go back to the same timeline, but a few seconds before he vanished?" "No. Just like me, the grey characters that you met before this were shattered across time and space." "So, can I save them too?" "No. They exist in only certain timelines but, I exist everywhere and nowhere at the same time. I guess I was luckier than them." "Who are they?" "You have a lot of questions, dear. I promise all your doubts will be answered after your task. For now, just focus on the trip and don't get into unwanted troubles." "Hmm, okay."

You walked into the portal he just opened up. "Ah, you are back." "How did you know?" "Is it because of something you lack? Do I have something you want? Do you believe that two realities exist at once?" " Yes, yes, and yes." No response. You tried to take 'the piece of Dr. Gaster' he had in his hand. After that, he disappeared again, but you still had the piece. You returned to the void. "I'm back, and I have this." He took it and absorbed it. "I guess it was. Thank you so much, dear." "Where am I going next?" "Are you sure you want to continue, dear? The next trip would be quite tense." "How tense?" "There would be some people in the area, and you may or may not... get injured. Hence, I advise you to be extra careful ." "I think... I could manage." You were a bit scared of whatever you will face, but you were filled with DETERMINATION.

"Are you ready?" "I think so." "You don't sound so confident. Are you sure?" "Yep." You said while giving him a big dorky smile and two thumbs up. " *Sigh* Fine. Please be careful. " "I sure will. Don't worry." You walked into the portal and ended up behind a pillar. You didn't recognize the place, but it makes sense since you haven't been to many places in the underground. "It's a beautiful day outside..." But you definitely recognized that voice. Sans and Frisk were in the hall. You start searching for the grey spark before moving since Dr. Gaster said it would be risky. You found it at the end of the hall near an entrance. You wondered why Dr. Gaster didn't just open the portal to the exact location despite knowing it's going to be dangerous. I'll ask him later, he might have a reasonable explanation.

You were thinking of a strategy for you to reach the end of the hall without being noticed. You were startled by the sudden laser that hit the pillar beside you. You weren't expecting a battle. You started to observe both of them. Frisk was already stabbed down, bleeding on the ground. How could he? Wait, don't be so quick to judge. Maybe they did something really bad to make Sans this angry. But some monsters would attack at random. I guess I'll find out. Frisk faded away but came back unharmed after a few seconds. You remember the saving points Sans have mentioned before. You stayed behind the pillar while watching their battle.

You noticed there were 10 pillars in total and the best time to move is when it is Sans's turn 'cause he would be focused on his attacks while Frisk is focused on dodging them. Damn, didn't know Sans was this good. You decided to start moving the next turn. You ran towards the pillar beside you and peeked to make sure they didn't see you. You ran towards the next pillar, and did the same."It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing..." You knew that Frisk had reset again, but you also noticed that you were more distant to the end than before. You realized that the reset would affect you as well. You either have to be very fast or just wait for the battle to end and then take it. After considering your options for a while (probably for less than 2 seconds), you decided to wait, because you were exhausted from the previous trips.

~Time skip brought to you by Ragel doing the mushroom dance while he questions his life ~

You have been sitting behind the pillar for a long time while listening to Sans's dialogue. Most of them are the same every turn, but he says something different as the battle becomes longer, which interests you. You peeked at them from time to time. Never thought Sans could be this serious and scary. But now, at least you knew why they were fighting in the first place. Frisk killed almost everyone in the underground, including Papyrus. Sans's anger was reasonable. But why did Frisk kill everyone in the first place? Is it because they can start all over without no one remembering that they did? Or maybe... someone made them do it? You blanked out for too long that you forgot about the battle. It was strangely... silent. You were secretly hoping that nothing bad happened to Sans, but if that's so, you will have to go back to the original plan.

You peeked again and saw Sans... sleeping? He did say he wasn't going to do anything, but he fell asleep? Poor thing... he's probably worn out from the battle. Wait, how is Frisk moving? Isn't that cheating? Yeah, try telling a ruthless killer that they are cheating, (y/n). Wait, what are they... Sans, watch out! You thought out loud. Sans dodge the attack. You were relieved for a second, then Frisk just... struck him down. "Welp, I am going to Grillbys... Papyrus, do you want anything? He turned into dust right after. You were about to cry but closed your mouth to prevent yourself from making any noise. Calm down, (y/n). The Sans in your timeline is not dead, he is probably still on his date right now. He would be perfectly fine when you get back. Frisk suddenly looked in your direction, and you quickly hid behind the pillar. You were hoping that they see you. You feel your heart beating very fast.

Fortunately, they just turned and walked into the entrance. You waited for a while to make sure they didn't come back. You slowly walked to the grey spark, just in case they came back. You saw the look in their eyes, they looked different. Although this was the past, and now everyone is living happily without knowing this ever happened, you still felt heavy and frightened at the same time. You grabbed the spark and went into the portal that just opened up. "You are back." "This trip was way different than I expected." "I see. But you did very well." "Why didn't you open the portal near to where the spark was?" "I am very sorry, dear. I may sense where my parts are, but I don't exactly know where they are. I could have opened up the portal after the battle, but it may disappear after a while. Hence, I thought opening up the portal in mid-battle was the best option." "Ow, that makes sense. Where am I going to next?" Despite being tired, you wanted to go back to your timeline and learn more about the underground as well. You have so many questions that are left unanswered.

"You have finished the task, my dear. I will be returning to the current timeline soon. But before that, I have promised to help you with your past." "But, I thought there was a part left." "Yes, and I have decided that it is not important, and I don't need it." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am certain." I thought all parts matter. How is he going back without one? "Okay." "Very well, then. See you soon, (y/n).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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