"No, I don't mind." Dru smiled, interrupting Pansy's internal rambling. Blaise, on the other hand, was still deep in contemplation. He was always the quiet type, but something felt off. A de ja vu sense of feeling, you could say. Dru noticed Blaise's intense gaze, but it didn't deter her from him, as she cocked her head slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

"I do, actually." Draco spoke up, as everyone's eyes looked to him. Pansy and the boys could tell he was fuming. Even though they enjoyed messing with him, they quickly gathered this was not the time, he was on edge.

"Draco, it's fine." Dru assured him with a smile. "I'm having fun. This is actually a lot better than my last date." Her smile dropped as she realized her mistake. "I mean," she tried to take back what she said, because she wasn't even sure if this was a date and she just jumped to conclusions. But Draco's friends, grinned wider as they found it amusing. Draco shifted in his chair, uncomfortably, and his face warmed up as he tried his hardest not to feel the tense emotions he was now feeling. Of course, he had been wanting to take her out for a while now, but he never intended to, all considering his lifestyle and the simple fact that he knew it could never work. On top of that, she was a muggle. And even if he wasn't as prejudice as he once was, he wouldn't even know where to begin to explain his magical abilities. "Sorry." Dru spoke quietly, embarrassed.

"What happened on your last date?" Theo asked, breaking the awkwardness.

"Guy was a prat." Draco groaned, not wanting to reminisce on the jealousy he felt seeing her with another guy, even if him and Dru hadn't spoke much. Draco was always pretty jealous of what he couldn't have, especially when he was a little boy and that only grew as he did. Now, rather than being jealous over Potter and fame, it was all over a woman.

"You know, maybe we should take this party back to Draco's flat." Pansy shrugged, finding herself more tipsy than she intended, as the words slightly slurred.

"Party? We've hardly even started." Theo scoffed. "But then again, Draco does have a pretty good collection of gin and whiskey."

"I'm always down for whiskey." Blaise gave a sly closed mouth smile. "What do you say, Dru? Care to indulge us for the night?" He continued, finally opening up a little more.

"We don't bite." Pansy leaned forward toward her. "I promise." Draco was getting more irritated. But at this point, he rather have them all back at home, than out here in public. At least in his flat, if he needed to get her away from his intrusive friends, he could always take her to the bedroom. That usually was on his mind most of the time he saw her. This could be a good opportunity to finally get the one thing he craved. But a part of him didn't want to just explore her so quickly, and take advantage of her body. Why did he want to get to know her more? Why was he desperate to not only strip away her clothing, but the layers of her mind as well? And Pansy, even through her drunken state, took notice of this. She knew Draco more than anyone, including the boys, and she sensed he had more than just a usual sexual fantasy for this girl. And if Pansy could do anything for him to make him happy, this would be it. Because he deserved true happiness, especially in a time when he was more than lonely.

"If that's alright with you, Draco?" Dru turned to him, as he looked to her. She was coming off as innocent. He could see the facade from a mile away. He knew she was closing off her feisty side, as it was obvious to him, because he could read people like it was his job. But somehow, she still held some mystery to her. He was desperate to know all of her.

— — —

He could have easily sifted through her mind, as the five of them sat amongst his living room, listening to music and chatting up a storm while Pansy drank herself dizzy. He would have gotten to the truth of it all with her, but he respected her privacy. He somewhat enjoyed the challenge of figuring her out on his own, because it was a more honest way of being with her. Occlumency wasn't always the best answer, especially when it came to her. He stared at her, as her tired, somewhat drunken, eyes weighed heavy and her head rested slightly on his shoulder. She was tired, but enjoying her time with them and didn't want it to end just yet.

"So you've never been anywhere outside of this shit hole city?" Theo asked Dru, plopping himself beside her on the sofa.

"Nope. My uh, parents died in a plane crash when I was 17 and I guess I just didn't want to take the chance." She shrugged, causing some tension to flourish through the air as Theo now lay his head on her shoulder himself, irritating Draco some more.

"I'm so sorry for your losses." He slurred to her, whiskey breath filling the air around them.

"Bloody hell, Nott, shove off." Draco reached his arm around Dru, shoving Theo aside and off of her. Theo retreated, moving to the floor and pulling out a pack of smokes, lighting a cigarette between his lips. Dru noticed Draco didn't seem to care, but yet she wondered why he was always going outside to smoke with her then, if he didn't mind others smoking in his flat.

Before she knew it, Pansy was passed out on the chair near the bookshelf, mouth wide open and completely gone. Blaise was dozing off as well. And Theo, well, he was too busy drunkenly singing to the radio within his own world. At this point, Dru was sobering up quite a bit, and Draco was stone cold sober himself. It took a lot for him to actually be drunk. He looked down at her, as her head lay in his lap and she stared off at Theo dancing by himself near the window. Her smile was glowing. Funny how something so dangerous, could be so beautiful. "What time is it?" She suddenly asked, looking up at him. He lifted his wrist up, looking at his watch.

"4:48." He told her, and her eyes widened.

"Shit!" She exclaimed, sitting herself up in shock.

"What's wrong?" He asked, with concern amplified in his tone.

"I have to be at work in 3 hours." She sighed, placing her hand to her forehead, upset with herself. But then, she let out a stifled laugh, as Draco smiled.

"What?" He asked through his involuntary grin.

"Fuck it. After two years, I've never once been late or called off. Bianca can deal with it." She laughed, finally feeling a tension release her of her responsibilities. It was okay to be reckless every once in a while. Theo's voice suddenly got louder as he persisted with his rendition of Wonderwall. Draco was tired of it, wondering how the kid hasn't passed out yet.

Draco stood up, extending his hand to Dru, helping her up off the couch. Pulling her body into his, he leaned down, whispering in her ear, "how about we continue talking in my room?" His voice was stern, but kind. Her mind was going haywire, and butterflies filled up in her stomach as she anxiously nodded, following him to the room. To her surprise, it was well kept, and completely in order. She was expecting him to try and tear off her clothes as his eyes glossed over her like she was food. But instead, he simply lead her to the bed, where he climbed in, and she followed after, curling up into his chest.

His heart, too, was quickening its pace. He was unsure of what to say, and quite honestly, he was enjoying this silence with another. The problem was, he was hoping she wouldn't try and sleep with him. But she didn't seem like the type to. He had never in his life actually hoped a woman wouldn't have sex with him, but yet here he was. Preferring the simplicity of her company alone. And before he knew it, she was sound asleep, wrapped safely in his arms. As amazing as this feeling felt to him, he knew he was fucked.
He now was digging himself into a hole he wouldn't be able to climb out of.

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