Part 33

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Betty POV

B-"this is like the perfect time!" H-"we're not gonna break into their house!" B-"the door will be open! We're not breaking in!" A-"how do you know this?"
B-"he told me. He said it in the hallway at school today." V-"I honestly think it's smart. They'll have their guard down. Betty will be there talking to them, all we have to do is look around for something useful." Veronica shrugged, me and her sitting on the couch while Hermione and my mom were standing in front of us. A-"it's risky though and this isn't well planned out." H-"we've been trying to get inside for a while..." Hermione stated quietly to herself. H-"it's not great, but this could be really helpful." She said to my mom who sighed. A-"I guess I'm out numbered. What time is this happening and what's the full plan?"

B-"well I'm gonna enter the house and make sure the door doesn't get locked behind me, when I find Jughead I'll say something to you guys through an ear piece. That's when you guys can get in and go around the house." V-"what about Fp?" B-"I doubt that he'll be there. Jughead doesn't like him seeing me. We'll be able to tell by how many cars are in the front though."

H-"if we have ear pieces, I don't want to hear you and him doing something inappropriate." B-"gross. Of course not. I'll probably just make him watch the bachelorette with me." V-"how are you two the cutest couple!" Veronica gushed, and I hit her in the arm. V-"ow!" B-"we're not a couple V." She rolled her eyes with a smile and stood up. V-"okay! I'll go get the ear pieces out of the supply room."

Veronica came back with a box in her hands. V-"I got some guns and knives too!" A-"unnecessary."
H-"actually we don't know that, Alice." B-"no fighting, come on, I wanna leave in 30." I said quickly walking into my room and putting on a pair of pants that I can hide a knife in. I put on the leg band I had that had a little pocket, and then put the baggy ripped jeans over it. I made sure it wasn't visible and threw on a big sweatshirt over my tight fitted black t-shirt.

I went back into the living room and grabbed a knife and one of the ear pieces. Everyone else were in their rooms probably changing into something easy to move in. V came back a minute later and I helped her with the ear piece while she grabbed her weapon of choice. V-"you look comfy." B-"if I move incorrectly there'll be a blade poking me. Not the most comfortable." She giggled while our moms walked in. They did their thing before we left. I drove all of us in my car, but I knew they'd probably leave me there early.

I parked on the road and got out of the car. They did too but they took a side route near the trees to get to the front door. As I walked on the driveway I saw only one car. B-"that's Jugheads car. You guys should be good." I said softly into the earpiece.
V-"perfect." Veronica responded. When I got up to the door I walked right in with no trouble, but I didn't shut it fully. I didn't want him to hear the door open again. I looked in the living room, but it was empty. I walked down the hall and to Jugheads door. I took in a breath before opening it and seeing him at his desk writing something down. He had headphones in and couldn't hear me open the door. B-"you're all good." I whispered just in case.

I could kill him right now and he wouldn't see it coming, but I couldn't get myself to get the knife out. Instead I just sat down on his bed and decided to wait until he noticed I was here. I had closed his door but I could hear Veronica and my moms walking around through the earpiece. I stretched my arms out and I think he saw something out of the corner of his eye, cause he looked my way and jumped. J-"what the fuck! That scared the shit out of me!" He said loudly while taking out his headphones. I just laughed at his reaction. J-"why didn't you tell me you were here?" B-"I noticed the headphones and thought it'd be fun to scare you."
J-"well mission accomplished. Sorry I was just finishing some school work, but I'm ready for you to yell at me for as long as you want about how much of an asshole I am."

B-"nah." J-"wait? What?" B-"I'm just gonna torture you." J-"fuck." B-"we're watching the Bachelorette." I stated with a smile and he let out a breathy laugh.
J-"honestly this probably is worse than you yelling at me." B-"I mean I could do that too if you want."
J-"no! Bachelorette it is." He said sitting down on the bed next to me.

Hey, if you were ever wondering why each of the chapters have to be pretty short, is because I post this on Instagram and it has to fit the slides for that.

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