Part 7

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Betty POV

I looked up surprised and I saw the one person I hate the most. B-"what the hell do you want?"
J-"to kill you, but I won't. Right now. Why are you still here?" B-"technically I'm not at your precious bar, so you can leave." J-"so can you. Why aren't you?" He asked as he sat down on the bench next to me. I moved myself over a little so I wouldn't be so close. B-"why aren't you tending to Toni?" J-"oh so you do know her name." B-"why would I not?" J-"I don't know, I've just never heard you say it. Again, why haven't you left? Did I not tell you to?" B-"well I don't have to listen to you, also I just wanted to clear my head."

His facial expression showed that he didn't believe me, which didn't surprise me. J-"they left you here." He stated, taking me aback a little. B-"what? No!"
J-"then where is everyone?" B-"I fucking hate you." I said a little under my breath, but he could still hear me. J-"yeah, I bet you do." I rolled my eyes at his remark and moved myself even farther away.
J-"don't roll your eyes at me" B-"what are you gonna do?" I said mockingly. He breathed in deeply, obviously trying to calm himself down. I chuckled to myself a little before standing up. J-"where are you going now Princess?" B-"don't call me that." I said to him before starting to walk down the road. I flipped him off and I could hear him mutter a small "fuck" before I blocked him out entirely.

Jughead POV

I was pissed, but I knew I shouldn't act on it. I walked back into the bar to see some people taking care of Toni. I sat in a chair in front of her and she half heartedly smiled at me. J-"you okay?" T-"yeah, yeah I'm okay. She surprisingly didn't do as much as I thought she would." J-"yeah...I'm gonna get you a water." I stated before quickly going over to the bar and getting a glass of water for her. I handed back and said a small "thank you" before I sat back down. The last bandage was placed on her and then everyone went somewhere else.

T-"what did you do outside?" J-"at first it was just to get some air, but then of course Betty was out there."
T-"oh? What happened?" J-"we talked. But you know, how it usually is." T-"why was she out there though?" J-"I think they left her behind." T-"god damn. Why would they do that?" J-"beats me." I said shrugging my shoulders. T-"I'm shocked you didn't stab her." J-"I thought about it. I knew it wouldn't help though." Toni nodded a little, wincing from the pain of moving her face. J-"shit. Are you okay?"
T-"yes, don't worry. Just sore. I'll be okay jug." J-"I know you will be, I'm just worried about you now."
T-"I'm okay right now. I'll tell you if I'm not."

Betty POV

I arrived back at the house to silence. I sighed realizing I'd have to go to the hospital. I walked back out but this time I had the keys to my car, and I drove to the hospital. I got inside and went over to the woman at the front desk. B-"uh, do you know what room Hermione Lodge is in?" L-"she's in room 154 ma'am." B-"thank you." L-"no problem." She assured with a smile as I walked down the sickeningly white halls. I stepped up to the door of room 154 but I stopped myself from going in.
V-"I doubt that she did." A-"Veronica, you don't know my daughter like I do. She's working against us!" H-"Alice, she saved us all today. What makes you think this." A-"her and the Jones boy. They've definitely been fooling around, and he could easily manipulate her!"

Hearing that through the door made me loose it. I busted into the room pissed off. B-"is that really what you think of me! You can't trust me for one fucking second! I saved your ass from that stupid pig and then I hear all this shit about how I'm 'working against you!' What makes you hate me so much that everything I do is wrong!?"

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